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Recursive Functions

fabiantheblind edited this page Jun 1, 2016 · 1 revision

Recursive functions are functions that call themselves. Beware! This can lead to infinite loops. You have to make sure that there is a point where the script stops or your computer will crash. This is based on that.

    // This Object needs to be global  
    var meta = new Object();
    meta.res = "";
    function main() {
    var val = 11;
    var cnt = 0;
    var result = recurs(val,cnt); // call the function
    alert(meta.res); // this is already the end
     return "End Of function 'main()'";// just a return type
     * thie recursive function that cals itself
     * @param  {Number} p1      Gets reduced every call
     * @param  {Number} counter will count up every call
     * @return {null}         just stops fills up a global Object
    function recurs(p1,counter) {
    // this is important if you don't check we will run into an infinite loop
      if (p1 <= 0) {
    $.writeln(counter);// write to console. Extendscript specific call
    meta.res = String("We are at the end of the recursion in " + counter +" loops"); // set the global
       return ;// end it
    }else {
    // THIS IS RECURSIVE the function calls itself!


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