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fabiantheblind edited this page Aug 16, 2016 · 2 revisions

csv reading in extendscript

This scipt asumes that the data.csv is next to the index.js. The content of data.csv is:

num name w f h
1 A 1 4 2
2 B 2 3 1
3 C 3 2 4
4 D 4 1 3
5 E 3 2 2
6 F 2 3 1

This is the quick and dirty approach. For data you don't know how it is formated I suggest using a library like With minor adjustments it works well in ExtendScript.

/* global File $ */
/* eslint-disable new-cap */
// tested on osx
var file = File(File($.fileName).parent.fsName + '/data.csv'); // get the file
file.encoding = 'UTF8'; // set some encoding
file.lineFeed = 'Macintosh'; // set the linefeeds'r',undefined,undefined); // read the file
var content =; // get the text in it
file.close(); // close it again
var lines = content.split('\n');// split the lines (windows should be '\r')
var data = [];// will hold the data
var keys = lines[0].split(','); // get the heads
// loop the data
for(var i = 1; i < lines.length;i++){
  var obj = {}; // temp object
  var cells = lines[i].split(',');// get the cells
  // assign them to the heads
  obj[keys[0]] = cells[0];
  obj[keys[1]] = cells[1];
  obj[keys[2]] = cells[2];
  obj[keys[3]] = cells[3];
  obj[keys[4]] = cells[4];
  data.push(obj); // add to data

$.writeln(data.toSource()); // show what we got

The output is:

[({num:"1", name:"A", w:"1", f:"4", h:"2"}), ({num:"2", name:"B", w:"2", f:"3", h:"1"}), ({num:"3", name:"C", w:"3", f:"2", h:"4"}), ({num:"4", name:"D", w:"4", f:"1", h:"3"}), ({num:"5", name:"E", w:"3", f:"2", h:"2"}), ({num:"6", name:"F", w:"2", f:"3", h:"1"})]


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