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Adds the following samples for demonstrating projector functionality:
  • Loading branch information
csu-bot-zivid authored and andersfagerli committed Nov 2, 2023
1 parent 3eeb844 commit 90ba566
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .pylintrc
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Expand Up @@ -105,6 +105,10 @@ from the camera can be used.
- [hand\_eye\_calibration]( - Perform Hand-Eye calibration.
- [mask\_point\_cloud]( - Read point cloud data from a ZDF file, apply a binary
mask, and visualize it.
- [project\_and\_find\_marker]( - Show a marker using the projector, capture a set of 2D
images to find the marker coordinates (2D and 3D).
- [reproject\_points]( - Illuminate checkerboard (Zivid Calibration Board) corners
by getting checkerboard pose
- [roi\_box\_via\_checkerboard]( - Filter the point cloud based on a ROI box given relative
to the Zivid Calibration Board.
- **hand\_eye\_calibration**
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332 changes: 332 additions & 0 deletions source/applications/advanced/
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Show a marker using the projector, capture a set of 2D images to find the marker coordinates (2D and 3D).
This example shows how a marker can be projected onto a surface using the built-in projector. A 2D capture with
zero brightness is then used to capture an image with the marker. Finally position of the marker is detected,
allowing us to find the 3D coordinates relative to the camera.

from datetime import timedelta
from typing import List, Tuple

import cv2
import numpy as np
import zivid
import zivid.experimental.projection

def _create_background_image(resolution: Tuple[int, int], background_color: Tuple[int, ...]) -> np.ndarray:
"""Create an image of one color.
resolution: (H,W) of image
background_color: Color of image (RGB, RGBA, BGR, BGRA etc.)
return np.full(
shape=(resolution[0], resolution[1], len(background_color)), fill_value=background_color, dtype=np.uint8

def _create_marker(
resolution: Tuple[int, int], marker_color: Tuple[int, ...], background_color: Tuple[int, ...]
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Create an image with a marker in the form of a cross.
resolution: (H,W) of image
marker_color: Color of marker (RGB, RGBA, BGR, BGRA etc.)
background_color: Color of image (RGB, RGBA, BGR, BGRA etc.)
Marker image
marker = _create_background_image(resolution, background_color)
marker_height, marker_width = marker.shape[:2]
x = int(resolution[1] / 2)
y = int(resolution[0] / 2), (x, y), 1, marker_color, -1)
cv2.line(marker, (x, y + 5), (x, marker_height), marker_color, 1)
cv2.line(marker, (x, y - 5), (x, 0), marker_color, 1)
cv2.line(marker, (x + 5, y), (marker_width, y), marker_color, 1)
cv2.line(marker, (x - 5, y), (0, y), marker_color, 1)

return marker

def _copy_to_center(source_image: np.ndarray, destination_image: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Copy source image over to center of destination image.
source_image: Source image
destination_image: Destination image
center_x = (destination_image.shape[1] - source_image.shape[1]) // 2
center_y = (destination_image.shape[0] - source_image.shape[0]) // 2

area = (center_x, center_y, source_image.shape[1], source_image.shape[0])
destination_image[area[1] : (area[1] + area[3]), area[0] : (area[0] + area[2])] = source_image

def _normalize(
marker_image: np.ndarray, illuminated_scene_image: np.ndarray, non_illuminated_scene_image: np.ndarray
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Normalize marker image by an illuminated and non-illuminated background image.
marker_image: Marker image
illuminated_scene_image: Image of illuminated scene
non_illuminated_scene_image: Image of non-illuminated scene
Normalized image
# We use the difference between the light and dark background images to normalize the marker image
difference = illuminated_scene_image - non_illuminated_scene_image

# Avoid divide-by-zero by ignoring pixels with little value difference
difference_limit = 100
invalid_difference = difference < difference_limit
difference[invalid_difference] = 1

normalized_image = (marker_image - non_illuminated_scene_image) / difference
normalized_image[invalid_difference] = 0

return normalized_image

def _cropped_gray_float_image(bgr: np.ndarray, crop_rows: int) -> np.ndarray:
"""Crop BGR image by crop_rows from top and bottom and convert it to float.
bgr: BGR image (H,W,3)
crop_rows: Number of rows to crop in both directions
Cropped image converted to float
rows = bgr.shape[0]
cropped = bgr[crop_rows : (rows - crop_rows), :]

gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(cropped, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

return gray_image.astype(np.float32)

def _projector_to_camera_scale_factor(camera_info: zivid.CameraInfo) -> float:
"""Ratio between camera resolution and projector resolution.
camera_info: Information about camera model, serial number etc.
ValueError: If unsupported camera model for this code sample
Ratio between camera resolution and projector resolution
# Note: these values are approximate and only for use in this demo
model = camera_info.model
if model in [zivid.CameraInfo.Model.zividTwo, zivid.CameraInfo.Model.zividTwoL100]:
ratio = 1.52
elif model in [
ratio = 2.47
elif model in [
raise ValueError("Invalid camera model")

return ratio

def _find_marker(
projected_marker_frame_2d: zivid.Frame2D,
illuminated_scene_frame_2d: zivid.Frame2D,
non_illuminated_scene_frame_2d: zivid.Frame2D,
marker_resolution: Tuple[int, int],
camera_info: zivid.CameraInfo,
) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Locate marker coordinates in image.
projected_marker_frame_2d: 2D frame of scene with projected marker
illuminated_scene_frame_2d: 2D frame of scene illuminated by projector
non_illuminated_scene_frame_2d: 2D frame of scene not illuminated by projector
marker_resolution: (H,W) of marker image
camera_info: Information about camera model, serial number etc.
Marker coordinates (x,y) in image
cropped_rows = 400

normalized_image = _normalize(
_cropped_gray_float_image(projected_marker_frame_2d.image_bgra().copy_data()[:, :, :3], cropped_rows),
_cropped_gray_float_image(illuminated_scene_frame_2d.image_bgra().copy_data()[:, :, :3], cropped_rows),
_cropped_gray_float_image(non_illuminated_scene_frame_2d.image_bgra().copy_data()[:, :, :3], cropped_rows),

blurred_marker = cv2.GaussianBlur(_create_marker(marker_resolution, (1,), (0,)), (5, 5), sigmaX=1.0, sigmaY=1.0)

scale_factor = _projector_to_camera_scale_factor(camera_info)
kernel = cv2.resize(blurred_marker, None, fx=scale_factor, fy=scale_factor)

convolved_image = cv2.filter2D(normalized_image, -1, kernel)

brightest_location = cv2.minMaxLoc(convolved_image)[3]

return (brightest_location[0], brightest_location[1] + cropped_rows)

def _capture_with_capture_assistant(camera: zivid.Camera) -> zivid.Frame:
"""Capture with the Capture Assistant.
camera: Zivid camera
Frame from capture
suggest_settings_parameters = zivid.capture_assistant.SuggestSettingsParameters(
settings: zivid.Settings = zivid.capture_assistant.suggest_settings(camera, suggest_settings_parameters)
settings.processing.filters.reflection.removal.enabled = True
settings.processing.filters.reflection.removal.experimental.mode = "global"
settings.processing.filters.smoothing.gaussian.enabled = True
settings.processing.filters.smoothing.gaussian.sigma = 1.5
settings.sampling.pixel = "all"

# We must limit Brightness to a *maximum* of 2.2, when using `all` mode.
# This code can be removed by changing the Config.yml option 'Camera/Power/Limit'.
for acquisition in settings.acquisitions:
acquisition.brightness = min(acquisition.brightness, 2.2)

return camera.capture(settings)

def _annotate(frame_2d: zivid.Frame2D, location: Tuple[int, int]) -> np.ndarray:
"""Annotate image with a red cross in location.
frame_2d: 2D frame containing image
location: (x,y) coordinates to annotate
Annotated BGRA image
image = frame_2d.image_bgra().copy_data()
marker_color = (0, 0, 255, 255)
marker_size = 10

top_left_location = (location[0] - marker_size, location[1] - marker_size)
bottom_right_location = (location[0] + marker_size, location[1] + marker_size)
cv2.line(image, top_left_location, bottom_right_location, marker_color, 2)

top_right_location = (location[0] - marker_size, location[1] + marker_size)
bottom_left_location = (location[0] + marker_size, location[1] - marker_size)
cv2.line(image, top_right_location, bottom_left_location, marker_color, 2)

return image

def _main() -> None:
app = zivid.Application()

print("Connecting to camera")
with app.connect_camera() as camera:
print("Retrieving the projector resolution that the camera supports")
projector_resolution = zivid.experimental.projection.projector_resolution(camera)

print(f"Creating a projector image with resolution: {projector_resolution}")
background_color = (0, 0, 0, 255)
projector_image = _create_background_image(projector_resolution, background_color)

print("Drawing a green marker")
marker_resolution = (41, 41)
marker_color = (0, 255, 0, 255)
marker = _create_marker(marker_resolution, marker_color, background_color)

print("Copying the marker image to the projector image")
_copy_to_center(marker, projector_image)

projector_image_file = "ProjectorImage.png"
print(f"Saving the projector image to file: {projector_image_file}")
cv2.imwrite(projector_image_file, projector_image)

print("Displaying the projector image")
with zivid.experimental.projection.show_image_bgra(camera, projector_image) as projected_image:
input("Press enter to continue ...")

settings_2d_zero_brightness = zivid.Settings2D()
zivid.Settings2D.Acquisition(brightness=0.0, exposure_time=timedelta(microseconds=40000), aperture=2.83)

settings_2d_max_brightness = zivid.Settings2D()
zivid.Settings2D.Acquisition(brightness=1.8, exposure_time=timedelta(microseconds=40000), aperture=2.83)

print("Capture a 2D frame with the marker")
projected_marker_frame_2d = projected_image.capture(settings_2d_zero_brightness)

print("Capture a 2D frame of the scene illuminated with the projector")
illuminated_scene_frame_2d = camera.capture(settings_2d_max_brightness)

print("Capture a 2D frame of the scene without projector illumination")
non_illuminated_scene_frame_2d = camera.capture(settings_2d_zero_brightness)

print("Locating marker in the 2D image:")
marker_location = _find_marker(

print("Capturing a point cloud using Capture Assistant")
frame = _capture_with_capture_assistant(camera)

print("Looking up 3D coordinate based on the marker position in the 2D image:")
points_xyz = frame.point_cloud().copy_data("xyz")
points_xyz_height, points_xyz_width = points_xyz.shape[:2]
row, col = marker_location[:2]
if col < points_xyz_width and row < points_xyz_height and points_xyz[row, col] is not np.nan:
print(points_xyz[row, col])

print("Annotating the 2D image captured while projecting the marker")
annotated_image = _annotate(projected_marker_frame_2d, marker_location)

annotated_image_file = "ImageWithMarker.png"
print(f"Saving the annotated 2D image to file: {annotated_image_file}")
cv2.imwrite(annotated_image_file, annotated_image)

print("Unable to find 3D coordinate!")

if __name__ == "__main__":

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