Refactor/377 repository #378
GitHub Actions / Report (Small test)
Sep 19, 2024 in 0s
164 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✅ reports/test_report.log
164 tests were completed in 37s with 164 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ test/act_counter/act_counter_test.dart
✅ : updatedAt is last act start.
✅ : updatedAt is last act end.
✅ : startDate time is 5:00
✅ : startDate time is less than 5:00
✅ test/act_counter/select_mem_fab_test.dart
✅ selectedMemIds is empty
✅ selectedMemIds is not empty
✅ : tap
✅ test/components/async_value_view_test.dart
✅ throw
✅ test/components/date_and_time/date_and_time_period_text_form_fields_test.dart
✅ Change null: pick start.
✅ Change null: pick end.
✅ test/components/date_and_time/date_and_time_text_form_field_test.dart
✅ : dateAndTime is null.
✅ : dateAndTime is all day.
✅ : dateAndTime is not all day.
✅ : Clear.
Action : Pick date
✅ : cancel.
✅ : pre value is null.
✅ : pre value is all day.
✅ : pre value is not all day.
Action : Pick date : can not select date is out of range
✅ : start.
✅ : end.
Action : Switch all day
✅ : cancel.
✅ : pre value is all day.
✅ : pre value is not all day.
Action : Pick time
✅ : cancel.
✅ : pick.
✅ test/components/date_and_time/date_text_form_field_test.dart
✅ : input null
✅ : input now
✅ : cancel
✅ : pick
✅ test/components/date_and_time/time_of_day_text_form_field_test.dart
✅ : input null
✅ : input now
✅ : cancel
✅ : pick
✅ test/core/act_test.dart
✅ a is null with b is null
✅ a is null with b is false
✅ a is false with b is null
✅ a is false with b is false
activeCompare active with
✅ null
✅ false
activeCompare active with active
✅ same start
✅ different start
✅ test/core/date_and_time_period_test.dart
✅ toString.
Create instance
✅ : startNow.
Create instance : Constructor
✅ : with start.
✅ : with end.
✅ : with start and end.
✅ : with not all day start and all day end
Create instance : Constructor : throw error
✅ : start and end are null.
✅ : start is after end.
Comparable : start only {start: {_: 2024-09-18 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}, end: null}
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-17 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}, end: null}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-18 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}, end: null}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-19 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}, end: null}.
✅ : with {start: null, end: {_: 2024-09-17 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: null, end: {_: 2024-09-18 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: null, end: {_: 2024-09-19 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-17 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}, end: {_: 2024-09-19 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}}.
Comparable : end only {start: null, end: {_: 2024-09-18 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}}
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-17 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}, end: null}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-18 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}, end: null}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-19 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}, end: null}.
✅ : with {start: null, end: {_: 2024-09-17 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: null, end: {_: 2024-09-18 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: null, end: {_: 2024-09-19 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-17 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}, end: {_: 2024-09-19 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}}.
Comparable : start and end {start: {_: 2024-09-16 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}, end: {_: 2024-09-20 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}}
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-15 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}, end: null}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-16 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}, end: null}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-18 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}, end: null}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-20 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}, end: null}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-21 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}, end: null}.
✅ : with {start: null, end: {_: 2024-09-15 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: null, end: {_: 2024-09-16 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: null, end: {_: 2024-09-18 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: null, end: {_: 2024-09-20 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: null, end: {_: 2024-09-21 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-15 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}, end: {_: 2024-09-16 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-15 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}, end: {_: 2024-09-18 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-15 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}, end: {_: 2024-09-20 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-15 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}, end: {_: 2024-09-21 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-16 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}, end: {_: 2024-09-18 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-16 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}, end: {_: 2024-09-20 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-16 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}, end: {_: 2024-09-21 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-17 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}, end: {_: 2024-09-19 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-17 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}, end: {_: 2024-09-20 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}}.
✅ : with {start: {_: 2024-09-17 17:42:06.647498, isAllDay: false}, end: {_: 2024-09-21 17:42:00.000, isAllDay: false}}.
: compare
✅ : both are not null.
✅ : both are null.
✅ : a is null, b is not null.
✅ : a is not null, b is null.
✅ test/core/date_and_time_test.dart
✅ toString
Create instance : now
✅ : allDay is false
✅ : allDay is true
✅ test/core/mem_notification_test.dart
✅ MemNotificationType from unexpected name throw.
✅ repeat by day of week.
MemNotification toOneLine
✅ no enables.
✅ repeat by Tue.
✅ after act
MemNotification toOneLine repeat
✅ repeat at 0:0.
✅ repeat at 05:00 by 2 day.
✅ repeat at 12:00 by 3 day on Mon.
✅ test/framework/database/column_definition_test.dart
✅ Column name contains "-".
✅ test/framework/database/database_definition_test.dart
✅ Database name is empty.
✅ Database name contains " ".
✅ Database name contains "-".
✅ Version is less than 1.
✅ test/framework/database/foreign_key_definition_test.dart
✅ Parent table has multiple primary keys.
✅ test/framework/database/table_definition_test.dart
✅ Table name is empty.
✅ Table name contains " ".
✅ Table name contains "-".
✅ ColumnDefinitions are empty.
✅ Duplicate column name.
✅ test/framework/repository/database_tuple_entity_test.dart
DatabaseTupleEntity test
✅ #new
✅ #fromMap
✅ #toMap
✅ test/framework/repository/entity_test.dart
Entity test
✅ #new
✅ #fromMap
✅ #toMap
✅ #==
✅ test/logger/logger_service_test.dart
valueLog : on service level is info
✅ : log level is verbose.
✅ : log level is info.
valueLog : target
✅ : is null.
valueLog : target : format : simple
✅ : List.
✅ : Set.
✅ : Map.
valueLog : target : format : empty
✅ : List.
✅ : Set.
✅ : Map.
valueLog : target : format : complicated
✅ : Map has List has Set has Map
valueLog : target : is Future
✅ : no await.
✅ : await.
✅ : on error: verbose.
✅ : on error: info.
valueLog : alias
✅ : verbose
✅ : info
✅ : warn
✅ : debug
functionLog : sync
✅ : returns.
✅ : throws.
functionLog : sync : auto debug : cascading val
✅ : that is sync.
✅ : that is future.
functionLog : sync : auto debug : cascading function
✅ : that returns sync.
✅ : that returns future.
functionLog : async
✅ : returns.
✅ : throws.
functionLog : async : auto debug : cascading val
✅ : that is future.
functionLog : async : auto debug : cascading function
✅ : that returns future.
functionLog : alias
✅ : v
✅ : i
✅ : w
✅ : d
✅ test/logger/logger_wrapper_test.dart
level: Level.verbose
✅ log
✅ with Exception
✅ with StackTrace
✅ log
✅ with Exception
✅ with StackTrace
level: Level.warning
✅ log
✅ with Exception
✅ with StackTrace
level: Level.error
✅ log
✅ with Exception
✅ with StackTrace
level: Level.debug
✅ log
✅ with Exception
✅ with StackTrace
✅ test/mems/mem_list_body_test.dart
✅ Hide & show ShowNewMemFab.