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A simple, self hosted discord music bot with a web interface

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PoggersBotV2 - Simple, self-hosted music bot with web interface



  • Play music from YouTube, Soundcloud
  • Search query or URL
  • Supports playlists
  • Multi server support
  • Simple web interface
  • Edit queue (i.e. drag songs) from the web interface

Preview Web


Preview Web Features


Preview Basic Text Commands



  1. Install docker
  2. Clone this repository
git clone && cd poggersbotv2
  1. Create file named .env inside this repo and copy these contents into it:
DISCORD_TOKEN = <your discord bot token>
PORT = 7777
  1. The discord token is required, url and port just make the web interface work. If you already have a Discord app skip to 7

  2. To create a Discord app and get the token:

    a. Create app ->

    b. In the left menu click Bot, Token will be below the bot's username

    c. If hidden, click reset token, it will show up

  3. To get invite link:

    a. In the left menu click OAuth2 -> URL generator

    b. For scopes select bot, for permissions select the following:

    Read Messages/View Channels, Send Messages, Embed Links, Read Message History, Add Reactions, Connect, Speak

  4. Build and run the docker containers using compose (you might need to run as sudo)

docker compose up

After a few minutes you should see the bot indicate that it is running


  • BASE_URL is the url where the bot is hosted, for example, can also be an ip like
  • If you are not using 80 or 443 for your port, you need to add the port to BASE_URL, for example
  • For other people to access the web interface, you need to port forward the port you set in .env


Bot uses prefix r;, for example r;play <query>

Use r;help to get a list of commands

Some commands also have shorter aliases

r;play - r;p
r;queue - r;q
r;shuffle - r;sh
r;skip - r;s
r;loop - r;l
r;web - r;w

For play you can enter either search, url or playlist url

For shuffle you can optionally enter a playlist url, it will shuffle the playlist before adding to queue

For queue you can optionally enter a number, it will show that many songs from the queue, default is 10

More notes

  • In general, the project is a bit wonky, I used it to learn more SQL, HTML/JS/CSS and in general about how to connect a web interface to another thing