- Add Yml for configuration of ZK, https://github.com/go-yaml/yaml (though it may be redundant with zk-cluster.yml)
- change yml to json, for consistency
- Slave - service Registering.
- Slave - Put,Del,Get RPC APIs
- Slave - RPC registering
- Client - A REPL interface
- Master - Join/Leave/Query interface
- Client - Automatic primary/back selection in starting.
- Master - register logic
- Client - Put,Del,Get, CMDLINE-Interface, RPC call (after master done)
- Client - Del,Get Value not exist, Gracefully handle other failures, Update configuration when key-not-belong
- Master/Slave/Client - On configuration change, how to shift shards.
- Copy test from 6.824 / or write on my own
- Master/Slave/Client - handling network error, filter out duplicate RPCs
- Lock library (for slaves data access, not necessary)
- Slave backup & primary failed re-election logic
- Slave backup & primary normal logic
- Starting script for slave-master cluster
- multiple backup nodes
- backup for master
$ docker-compose -f zk-cluster up
- deploy zkper using own script
$ go run go/slave_server.go [ip] [port] [hostname] [groupID]
# ip and port expose as RPC service
# hostname is used to distinguish
# groupID is for grouping.
$ go run go/master_server.go [ip] [port] [hostname]
$ go run go/client.go
$ go run go/admin.go [command] [groupIDs ...]
# command = "join-group" / "leave-group"
# groupIDs is an array of groupid to be configured
Strange cases
- when primary failed and become backup again. client's request should fail. (fixed)