What's Changed
- feat: Add events to disperse by @andresaiello in #146
- feat: implement feature to disable invitation by @andresaiello in #148
- feat: update zetachain multichainvalue by @andresaiello in #150
- feat: Update repo to support mainnet by @andresaiello in #155
- feat: Create script to find btc withdrawals by @andresaiello in #154
- feat: Rename the zeta chainzetachain repo by @andresaiello in #162
- feat: withdraw erc20 by @andresaiello in #149
- ci: add slither integration by @fbac in #165
- feat: update codeoweners by @andresaiello in #166
- feat: xp nfts contract skeleton by @andresaiello in #164
- feat: Update nft contract to calculate tokenid by @andresaiello in #167
- feat: add tag logic by @andresaiello in #168
- fix: Liquidity deposits via addLiquidityAndStake are vulnerable to sandwich attack by @andresaiello in #169
- feat: security improvements on nft by @andresaiello in #170
- feat: Add setter to nft by @andresaiello in #172
- feat: Add Hernan Carrizo as codeowner for app sc by @andresaiello in #173
- feat: Add signature expiration by @andresaiello in #174
- feat: Instant rewards smart contract by @andresaiello in #171
- feat: XP NFT contract audit suggestions by @andresaiello in #175
- feat: add Dependabot Config by @jkan2 in #176
- feat: Instant Rewards contract audit suggestions by @andresaiello in #177
- feat: add solc 820 by @andresaiello in #179
- fix: Update dependabot config to reflect on the right packages used by @jkan2 in #178
- feat: Deploy instant rewards contracts by @andresaiello in #187
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.0.4...v0.0.5