What's Changed
- Add klaytn to supported networks by @andresaiello in #45
- Fix npm packages to be used externally by @andresaiello in #47
- upgrade npm by @andresaiello in #49
- Fix zeta connector deployment scripts by @andresaiello in #50
- Deploy connector and zeta token to Klaytn by @andresaiello in #46
- Add different strategies to swap by @andresaiello in #42
- Deploy send value contract to klaytn by @andresaiello in #51
- Implement quantum suggestions by @andresaiello in #43
- Develop cross chain swap by @andresaiello in #53
- Develop and deploy zevm uniswap by @andresaiello in #55
- Improvements on contracts ownership by @andresaiello in #54
- Develop cctx testing scripts by @andresaiello in #56
- Write SC for multiple output by @andresaiello in #57
- Create bugbounty.md by @btroo in #59
- Deploy swap to klaytn (#52) by @andresaiello in #60
- Bump @openzeppelin/contracts from 4.6.0 to 4.7.3 by @dependabot in #63
- Missing zero address check in by @andresaiello in #62
- Fix dependa bot alerts: Upgrade oz contracts by @andresaiello in #64
- Update waffle and mocha to latest by @andresaiello in #66
- Charlie/docker_container by @CharlieMc0 in #61
- enabled gitguardian check by @CharlieMc0 in #68
- Bug smart contracts script zeta swap deploy by @andresaiello in #69
- Adjust pause functionality to only apply to send by @andresaiello in #70
- Split smart contracts repo adding zeta app by @andresaiello in #71
- Add comments to smart contracts by @andresaiello in #72
- Deploy send contract to mumbai by @andresaiello in #76
- Cicd/Build docker by @CharlieMc0 in #77
- Publish npm packages to zetaswapv2 by @andresaiello in #79
- Add prepublishonly to addressestools by @andresaiello in #83
- Add prepublishonly to addressestools 2 by @andresaiello in #85
- Add prepublishonly to addressestools 3 by @andresaiello in #86
- chore: replace Alchemy with Ankr RPC by @fadeev in #89
- Deploy MultiOutput example by @andresaiello in #91
- ERC20custody contract by @aldapp7 in #75
- chore: compile TS before publishing by @fadeev in #88
- Deploy zeta token consumer uniswap v3 by @andresaiello in #92
- Cleanup protocol-contracts repo by @andresaiello in #93
- Develop v1 of liquidity incentives by @andresaiello in #74
- Fix ZRC20 protocol bug by @andresaiello in #94
- Bump @openzeppelin/contracts from 4.7.3 to 4.8.3 by @andresaiello in #96
- Bump http-cache-semantics from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 by @dependabot in #67
- Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 by @dependabot in #65
- Publish address 0.0.10 by @andresaiello in #97
- Remove ZetaTokenConsumerTrident from zetachain repo by @andresaiello in #98
- Release a new version of address-tools on npm by @andresaiello in #99
- Remove extra consolelog from address pkg by @andresaiello in #102
- Deploy send contract to Athens3 by @andresaiello in #105
- Remove Ropsten and upgrade to Athens3 by @andresaiello in #106
- Redeploy swap by @andresaiello in #110
- Add sendZeta to send contract by @andresaiello in #108
- Update ZetaChain repo to protocol-contracts 2.0 by @andresaiello in #111
- Deploy rewards to Athens2 and 3 by @andresaiello in #104
- Organize zetachain repo by @andresaiello in #115
- Add onZetaRevert to send contract by @andresaiello in #116
- Add native token support to StakingReward contract by @andresaiello in #117
- Deploy disperse to athens by @andresaiello in #120
- Add bsc-mainnet to addresses pkg by @andresaiello in #121
- Update address tools repo to deploy bsc-mainnet by @andresaiello in #122
- Improve uniswap scripts by @andresaiello in #119
- Deploy Token Incentive contracts on zEVM by @andresaiello in #118
- Add deadline to uniswap v2 contract by @andresaiello in #126
- Smart contract to verify an address and for accept an invitation by @andresaiello in #124
- implement immunefi improvements by @andresaiello in #131
- Cleanup zetachain repo to be zeta apps repo by @andresaiello in #132
- Update zetachain repo to support protocol 3.0.1 by @andresaiello in #133
- Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 by @dependabot in #109
- Bump @openzeppelin/contracts from 4.8.3 to 4.9.3 by @dependabot in #112
- Bump browserify-sign from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 by @dependabot in #134
- Bump get-func-name from 2.0.0 to 2.0.2 by @dependabot in #135
- fix(setup-tutorial.ts) json error by @tudorpintea999 in #130
- feat: ci to zetachain repo by @andresaiello in #137
- feat: Run slither and coverage by @andresaiello in #138
- feat: Iimprove token incentive scripts by @andresaiello in #139
- feat: Npm Pkg for app contract addresses by @andresaiello in #141
New Contributors
- @btroo made their first contribution in #59
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #63
- @fadeev made their first contribution in #89
- @aldapp7 made their first contribution in #75
- @tudorpintea999 made their first contribution in #130
Full Changelog: athens-v0.3.3...v0.0.1