Elastic Adapter is an adapter for official PHP Elasticsearch client. It's designed to simplify basic index and document operations.
The current version of Elastic Adapter has been tested with the following configuration:
- PHP 7.2-8.0
- Elasticsearch 7.x
The library can be installed via Composer:
composer require babenkoivan/elastic-adapter
can be used to manipulate indices. It uses Elasticsearch client as a dependency,
therefore you need to initiate the client before you create an IndexManager
$client = \Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder::fromConfig([
'hosts' => [
$indexManager = new \ElasticAdapter\Indices\IndexManager($client);
The manager provides a list of useful methods, which are listed below.
Create an index, either with the default settings and mapping:
$index = new \ElasticAdapter\Indices\Index('my_index');
or configured according to your needs:
$mapping = (new \ElasticAdapter\Indices\Mapping())
->text('title', [
'boost' => 2,
->keyword('tag', [
'null_value' => 'NULL'
->dynamicTemplate('no_doc_values', [
'match_mapping_type' => '*',
'mapping' => [
'type' => '{dynamic_type}',
'doc_values' => false,
$settings = (new \ElasticAdapter\Indices\Settings())
'number_of_replicas' => 2,
'refresh_interval' => -1
$index = new \ElasticAdapter\Indices\Index('my_index', $mapping, $settings);
Delete an index:
Update an index mapping:
$mapping = (new \ElasticAdapter\Indices\Mapping())
->text('title', [
'boost' => 2,
->keyword('tag', [
'null_value' => 'NULL'
$indexManager->putMapping('my_index', $mapping);
Update an index settings:
$settings = (new \ElasticAdapter\Indices\Settings())
'analyzer' => [
'content' => [
'type' => 'custom',
'tokenizer' => 'whitespace'
$indexManager->putSettings('my_index', $settings);
Check if an index exists:
Open an index:
Close an index:
Create an alias:
$alias = new \ElasticAdapter\Indices\Alias('my_alias', [
'term' => [
'user_id' => 12,
$indexManager->putAlias('my_index', $alias);
Get index aliases:
Delete an alias:
$indexManager->deleteAlias('my_index', 'my_alias');
Similarly to IndexManager
, the DocumentManager
class also depends on Elasticsearch client:
$client = \Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder::fromConfig([
'hosts' => [
$documentManager = new \ElasticAdapter\Documents\DocumentManager($client);
Add a document to the index:
$documents = [
new ElasticAdapter\Documents\Document('1', ['title' => 'foo']),
new ElasticAdapter\Documents\Document('2', ['title' => 'bar']),
$documentManager->index('my_index', $documents);
There is also an option to refresh index immediately:
$documentManager->index('my_index', $documents, true);
In addition, you can set a custom routing path:
$documentManager->index('my_index', $documents, false, 'my_field');
This will route documents to an Elasticsearch shard based on the document's my_field
Routing path can be specified using "dot" notation to access nested fields.
Remove a document from the index:
$documents = [
new ElasticAdapter\Documents\Document('1', ['title' => 'foo']),
new ElasticAdapter\Documents\Document('2', ['title' => 'bar']),
$documentManager->delete('my_index', $documents);
If you want the index to be refreshed immediately pass true
as the third argument:
$documentManager->delete('my_index', $documents, true);
You can also set a custom routing path to delete the document from a specific shard:
$documentManager->delete('my_index', $documents, false, 'my_field');
Finally, you can delete documents using query:
$documentManager->deleteByQuery('my_index', ['match_all' => new \stdClass()]);
Search documents in the index:
// create a search request
$request = new \ElasticAdapter\Search\SearchRequest([
'match' => [
'message' => 'test'
// configure highlighting
'fields' => [
'message' => [
'type' => 'plain',
'fragment_size' => 15,
'number_of_fragments' => 3,
'fragmenter' => 'simple'
// add suggestions
'message_suggest' => [
'text' => 'test',
'term' => [
'field' => 'message'
// enable source filtering
$request->setSource(['message', 'post_date']);
// collapse fields
'field' => 'user'
// aggregate data
'max_likes' => [
'max' => [
'field' => 'likes'
// sort documents
['post_date' => ['order' => 'asc']],
// rescore documents
'window_size' => 50,
'query' => [
'rescore_query' => [
'match_phrase' => [
'message' => [
'query' => 'the quick brown',
'slop' => 2,
'query_weight' => 0.7,
'rescore_query_weight' => 1.2,
// add a post filter
'term' => [
'cover' => 'hard'
// track total hits
// track scores
// script fields
'my_doubled_field' => [
'script' => [
'lang' => 'painless',
'source' => 'doc[params.field] * params.multiplier',
'params' => [
'field' => 'my_field',
'multiplier' => 2,
// boost indices
['my-alias' => 1.4],
['my-index' => 1.3],
// use pagination
// execute the search request and get the response
$response = $documentManager->search('my_index', $request);
// get the total number of matching documents
$total = $response->getHitsTotal();
// get the corresponding hits
$hits = $response->getHits();
// every hit provides an access to the related index name, the score, the document and the highlight
// in addition, you can get a raw representation of the hit
foreach ($hits as $hit) {
$indexName = $hit->getIndexName();
$score = $hit->getScore();
$document = $hit->getDocument();
$highlight = $hit->getHighlight();
$raw = $hit->getRaw();
// get the suggestions
$suggestions = $response->getSuggestions();
// get the aggregations
$aggregations = $response->getAggregations();