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General info

Twitter sentiment analysis using machine learning and natural language processing is a process of extracting information from twitter data and turning it into meaningful insights. This can be used to understand how people feel about a particular topic, product, or brand.

Twitter data is unstructured and contains a lot of noise. This makes it difficult to analyze using traditional methods. Machine learning and natural language processing can be used to overcome these challenges.

Machine learning algorithms can be used to automatically classify tweets as positive, negative, or neutral. Natural language processing can be used to extract features from the tweets such as the sentiment of the words used.

This information can be used to understand how people feel about a particular topic. It can also be used to track the sentiment of a brand over time.


Developing the model

We start by creating our machine learning model. The model is built using a pre-trained sentence embeddings based on feed-forward Neural-Net Language Models with pre-built OOV and trained on Google News 7B corpus (7 billion words). Then we add two dense layers of 16 neurons each and an output layer with one neuron and sigmoid activation function. The model takes a batch of sentences in a 1-D tensor of strings as input and encodes each one as a single 50-dimensional vector, then it computes the probability of a positive sentiment. We will use sentiment140 dataset with 1.6 million tweets to train our model on sentiments classification. Visit this kaggle link for more details. You can find the pre-trained sentence embeddings layer handle link on Tensorflow hub here.

Developing the application

Twitter app

To start using twitter api with Tweepy library, we need to setup our Twitter API authentication credentials first.

Streamlit app

To setup a front end for our project and display the results made by the model predictions we developed a Streamlit app. Streamlit is an open source app framework in Python language. It helps us create web apps for data science and machine learning in a short time.


The project is created with:

  • Python: 3.10.8
  • Tensorflow: 2.9.1
  • Pandas: 1.4.4
  • Keras: 2.9.0
  • Tweepy: 4.12.1
  • Streamlit: 1.14.1
  • Numpy: 1.21.5

Train the model

To train the model you can use my notebook. The model reached around 82% accuracy on test set in only 5 epochs. The model I'm using in this project was trained on 5 epochs, however you can increase the epochs as you want to reach it's maximum accuracy. The training use early stopping so you don't have to worry about over fitting the dataset.


To run this project, you can either:

Run it locally

Clone the repo

$ git lfs clone

Install dependencies in your environment or create another one

$ pip3 install requirement.txt


conda install --file requirements.txt


streamlit run

Use the hosted version on Streamlit Cloud