This project is a light application displaying SpaceX data retrieved from the awesome REST API from the awesome business SpaceX.
To be honest, this is almost my first Angular 2+ app and the main purpose of this project was to play with Angular/Html/Scss, as you may see if you look into the git log history...
SpaceX gave us new rockets, new horizons and a new API offering tons of data about past launches, rockets, and more!
Check here: SpaceX-API
While you're at the root of the repository:
npm run serve
This will start the application on port 4200 (default)... or run the following to use a different port:
ng serve --watch --open
Having fun with this app, if you want to build and deploy:
ng build --prod
A automated build is configured on Travis CI (hey, look the nice badge at the top of this page!).
The configuration is located in the travis.yml file at the root of the project.
Check here: Here!