voodoo is a 3D game programming library written in C.
voodoo exposes an API that is intended to be invoked via scripts written in Janet.
voodoo is presently focused on creating games for the browser. Support for more platforms is planned.
voodoo is very much WIP.
(def actions {:up 0
:down 1
:left 2
:right 3
:num 4})
(def bindings @{(actions :up) [input/key/up input/gamepad/dpad/up]
(actions :down) [input/key/down input/gamepad/dpad/down]
(actions :left) [input/key/left input/gamepad/dpad/left]
(actions :right) [input/key/right input/gamepad/dpad/right]})
(def state @{:camera nil
:doll-asset: nil
:player: nil})
(defn init []
(set (state :doll-asset) (asset/load "doll" "assets/dolls/character.doll"))
(set (state :camera) (game/object @[0.0 0.0 0.0] @[0.0 0.0 0.0] @[0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]))
(game/object/set (state :camera) component/camera (cam/orbit @{:min-dist 1.0
:max-dist 50.0
:center @[0.0 0.0 0.0]
:distance 5.0
:latitude 45.0
:longitude 45.0
:nearz 0.01
:farz 2000.0}))
(v3d/cube @[0.0 5.0 0.0] @[1.0 1.0 1.0])
(v3d/cube @[0.0 -0.9375 0.0] @[5.0 0.125 5.0])
(set (state :player) (game/object @[0.0 0.0 0.0] @[1.0 1.0 1.0] @[0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]))
(game/object/set (state :player) component/doll (v3d/doll/create (state :doll-asset)))
(loop [[action binding] :pairs bindings]
(if (not= (get binding 0) input/invalid)
(input/bind input/layer/user (get binding 0) action))
(if (not= (get binding 1) input/invalid)
(input/bind input/layer/user (get binding 1) action))))
(defn event [e]
(def camera
(state :camera)
(game/object/set (state :camera) component/camera (cam/handle-event camera e)))
(defn update-doll []
(def player-transform
(state :player)
(def doll
(state :player)
(if (> (input/state (actions :up)) 0)
(game/object/set (state :player) component/doll
@{:blend_ratio (min (+ (doll :blend_ratio) 0.1) 1.0)})
(if (> (input/state (actions :down)) 0)
(game/object/set (state :player) component/doll
@{:blend_ratio (max (- (doll :blend_ratio) 0.1) 0.0)})))
(if (> (input/state (actions :left)) 0)
(game/object/set (state :player) component/transform
@{:position @{:x (+ ((player-transform :position) :x) 0.1)}})
(if (> (input/state (actions :right)) 0)
(game/object/set (state :player) component/transform
@{:position @{:x (- ((player-transform :position) :x) 0.1)}}))))
(defn update []
(def camera
(state :camera)
(cam/update camera)
(dbg/draw/camera camera)
(dbg/draw/grid 0)
(v3d/draw camera))
(defn shutdown [])
(defn voodoo []
@{:width 960
:height 540
:init init
:event event
:update update
:shutdown shutdown})
- Memory management & Allocators
- Asset pipeline
- Build system 🚧
- Virtual file system
- Asset management system
- Fiber-based job syste m
- Basic orbit camera
- Debug drawing
- Scripting
- Visual scripting
- Forward renderer 🚧
- ImGui
- Entity component system
- Skeletal animation
- Animation blending
- Audio
- Physics
- Networking
- Web (WASM) support
- Windows support
- Linux support
- MacOS support
- Android support
- iOS support
voodoo is licensed under the MIT License.