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Lacus X230-NZ666's SW Language Compiler (v1.0.1.0)


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Lacus X230-NZ666's
SW Language Compiler (v1.0)

Lacus X230-NZ666 are designing his first compiler and his Compiling principle lesson Big job. The SW Language is a Swift-like language, but only has some few features.

Compiler User's Document

:-) Under construction here. When Lacus X230 NZ666 has finished these, they will be posted here.


Assignment Statements

Notes: if you mistype = as a double equal symbols ==, like these:

var a = 3;  //OK
var b == 5; //OK, but get an warning
a = 5;
b == 5;     //OK, but get an warning

SW compiler will automatically translate the statement, with the == operator changed to =.

Condition Statements

Loop Statements

Compiler Architectural

Lexical Parser

File List

The following lists the source files related to the SW Lexical Parser Module.

Field Information
Name SW Lexical Parser
Source CLexicalParser.cpp
Header CLexicalParser.h

Keywords and reserved words

In SW language, an symbol can be keywords, variable names, or operators. Typically, when defining this language, it's not allowed to define a variable, a function with these reserved words. The definition of these words is given as the following:

break call const continue else for func if in odd print read ref repeat return step unless until var while.


SW language support the following kinds of comment

  • Line comments

    Line comments starts with a # symbol, as the follows:

    # define the max times to procedure
    const MAX_COUNT = 100;

    Line comments can also starts with two slash, as the follows:

    if x < 0 {
      y = -x; // when x < 0, its abs value > 0.
    } else {
      y = x; // nothing needed to do.
  • Block comments

    SW language support C/C++ style block comments

    var x = 10; /* declare x with 10. */
    func f(y) { print(y); } 
    /* don't print(x) before read it */read(x); 
    call f(x+/*haha*/x);

    When Lexical Parser encounters a EOF (end of file) , but it still get into a Block Comments without reading any /* tag, an error "comment unclosed at end of file." happened.

Syntax Parser

File List

The following lists the source files related to the SW Syntax Parser Module.

Field Information Description
Name SW Syntax Parser
Source CSyntaxParser.cpp Initialize the FIRST and FOLLOW sets information declared in CSyntaxParser.h.
Header CSyntaxParser.h When syntax parsing, each subroutine needs the FIRST and FOLLOW sets of related procedures. In CSyntaxParser.h a series of classes is defined to store these sets information.
Source SW_x230nz666.cpp The main source file of the whole compiler, contains the main entrance wmain function and all the calling hierarchy.

EBNF Format Syntax Description:

The following are the syntax description using EBNF formating.

program = declaration_list statement_list.

declaration_list = const_declaration_list
var_declaration_list = { var_declaration ";" }.

var_declaration = "var" var_ident_declaration
                        {"," var_ident_declaration }.

var_ident_declaration = ident ["=" expression ].
const_declaration_list = { const_declaration ";" }.

const_declaration = "const" const_ident_declaration
                            {"," const_ident_declaration }.

const_ident_declaration = ident "=" expression .

function_declaration_list = 
    { "func" ident "(" 
            {"," param_ident_declaration }
        ] ")" 
param_ident_declaration = ["ref"] ident.

function_body = var_declaration_list statement_list.

statement_list = { statement ";"}.

statement = if_stat | while_stat | 
            repeat_stat | read_stat | 
            print_stat | assign_stat |
            for_stat | call_stat |
            "continue" | "break" .

if_stat = ( "if" | "unless" ) condition "{" statement_list "}" 
          ["else" "{" statement_list "}"].
while_stat = ( "while" | "until" ) condition "{" statement_list "}".

repeat_stat = "repeat" "{" statement_list "}" 
              ( "while" | "until" ) condition.

read_stat = "read" "(" ident ")".

print_stat = "print" "(" ident ")".

assign_stat = ident ( "=" expression | "++" | "--" ).

for_stat = "for" ident "in" expression "..." expression step expression "{" statement_list "}".

call_stat = "call" ident "(" [ expression { "," expression }  ] ")".

condition = expression ("=="|"!="|"<"|"<="|">"|">=") expression |
            "odd" "(" expression ")".

expression = ["+"|"-"] term { ("+"|"-") term}.

term = factor { ("*"|"/") factor}.

factor = ident | number | "(" expression ")".

Above, each the non-terminal symbols mean:

Non-terminal Description
program The whole program architectural.
declaration_list Represents all the declaration in the program, including global variables, constant values and functions.
var_declaration_list Represents a series of variable declarations.
var_declaration Represents a single variable declaration statement.
Variables can be declared simultaneously in just one statement.
var_ident_declaration Represents one symbol declaration. e.g. a, a = 10, etc. The initial value is optional.
const_declaration_list Represents a series of constant declarations.
const_declaration Represents a single constant declaration statement.
Just like how variables are declared, multiple constants can also be declared in just one statement.
const_ident_declaration Represents one constant declaration, e.g. a = 10. Remarkably, unlike in the variable declaration, the initial value is an essential part in constant declaration.
function_declaration_list Represents a series of function callers.
param_ident_declaration Represents a single parameter declaration in the function header. Ref keyword is optional, it makes the parameter a reference to the original variable.
function_body Represents the whole structure of a function. A function includes a series of variable definition, which is followed by a number of statements.
statement_list Represents a series of statements. Each statement should end with a semicolon ; symbol.
statement Represents all the statement in SW language.
if_stat if condition { statement } else { statement };
while_stat while
repeat_stat repeat { statement } while
read_stat read ( variable_name );
print_stat print ( variable_name );
assign_stat variable_name = expression;
for_stat for variable_name in expression...expression step expression
{ statement };
call_stat call function_name (parameters);
condition Represents some boolean operations.
expression For computation use.
term For computation use.
factor For computation use.

FIRST and FOLLOW sets table

In order to make this compiler using LL(1) design, the FIRST characters and FOLLOW characters of each non-terminal symbols are giving in the following table.

Non-terminal First Follow
program const var func if unless while until repeat read print for call continue break IDENT #
declaration_list const var func # if unless while until repeat read print for call continue break IDENT
var_declaration_list var # func const if unless while until repeat read print for call continue break IDENT
var_declaration var ;
var_ident_declaration IDENT ; ,
const_declaration_list const # func if unless while until repeat read print for call continue break IDENT
const_declaration const ;
const_ident_declaration IDENT ; ,
function_declaration_list func # if unless while until repeat read print for call continue break IDENT
param_ident_declaration ref IDENT , )
function_body var }
statement_list if unless while until repeat read print for call continue break IDENT # }
statement if unless while until repeat read print for call continue break IDENT ;
if_stat if unless ;
while_stat while until ;
repeat_stat repeat ;
read_stat read ;
print_stat print ;
assign_stat IDENT ;
for_stat for ;
call_stat call ;
condition IDENT NUMBER ( + - odd { ;
expression IDENT NUMBER ( + - ; , ) step
term IDENT NUMBER ( + - ; , ) step
factor IDENT NUMBER ( * / + - ; , ) step

For the convenience of syntax parsing, all these sets are predefined in CSyntaxParser.cpp.

Symbol Tables

Symbol tables are important for a compiler. Typically, programming language are not strictly context-free grammar. For example, when accessing a variable, commonly the variable should be predefined, or an error occurred. The symbol tables are included to make the original programming grammar a context-sensitive grammar.

File List

The following lists the source files related to the SW Symbol Tables Module.

Field Information Description
Name SW Symbol Tables
Source SymbolTable.cpp The implementation of member functions in SymbolTable.h.
Header SymbolTable.h A series of classes, which represent the data type stored into the Symbol Table, are defined here. For the inheritance relation of these classes, please view Symbol Table Classes Architectural.
Header DataType.h Definition of symbol attributes, and data types.

Symbol Table Classes Architectural

In this SW project, symbol tables are using an abstract-class designing idea. Since different symbol contains different fields, like constant only needs additional space for storing literal value, both variable and function need offset field for addressing function.

Notice: The declarations of classes here might have discrepancy with the original source files. You can view these files personally.

For an overview of table, view The Overview of Symbol Table.

Basic Classes (Bedrock level)

The CSimpleIdentSymbol class defines the basic information needed by all the identifiers.

  • m_Level contains the level of each identifiers. Since SW is a language supporting nested function (in the future), each symbols have its own calling scope.
  • m_symbolName contains the name of the identifier.
  • m_symbolAttribute is an read-only field. It's used only for classes inheritance.
class CSimpleIdentSymbol
    size_t m_Level;
    std::wstring m_symbolName;
    SymbolAttribute m_symbolAttribute;
Constant Symbols

The CConstantSymbol inherits from CSimpleIdentSymbol. Except for the inherited fields,

  • m_constValue stores the literal value of the constant symbol. When generating virtual machine code files (*.asw), they are used.
  • When constructing, m_symbolAttribute is configured as SA_CONSTANT, which represents a constant symbol.
class CConstantSymbol : public CSimpleIdentSymbol
    CConstantSymbol() :m_constValue(0) { m_symbolAttribute = SA_CONSTANT; }
    __int64 m_constValue;
Identifier Symbols

This is the base classes used by function and normal variables.

  • m_dataStatus contains the data type information, and the reference mark.
  • m_offset contains the offset value. The usage of it vary from function symbols and variable symbols.
class CIdentSymbol : public CSimpleIdentSymbol
    CIdentSymbol() : m_Offset(0) { m_dataStatus.isRef = false; }
    SymbolStatus m_dataStatus;
    int m_Offset;
Variable Symbols

There doesn't contain any additional fields other than CIdentSymbol's inherent fields.

  • When constructing, m_symbolAttribute is configured as SA_VARIABLE, which represents a variable symbol.
class CVariableSymbol : public CIdentSymbol
    CVariableSymbol() { m_symbolAttribute = SA_VARIABLE; }
Function Symbols

Functions not only needs offset fields, but also needs an array (std::vector) to store all it's parameters information. When being called, the compiler will check whether the call statement's parameters number matches the correct one of the function's definition.

  • m_paramList store parameters information. It's an array of SymbolStatus data, which contain data types, reference marks.
  • void AppendParam member function is used to append new parameter information.
class CFunctionSymbol : public CIdentSymbol
    CFunctionSymbol() { m_symbolAttribute = SA_FUNCTION; }
    void AppendParam(SymbolStatus);
    const std::vector<SymbolStatus> &GetParams();
    std::vector<SymbolStatus> m_paramList;

The Overview of Symbol Table

Here gives an example of SW language. It's symbol table are listed in the following.

// constant declarations
const max = 100;
const dbl_max = 2 * max;
// variables
var y, x;

func abs(ref y, x)
  if x >= 0 { y = x; }
  else { y = -x; };

// first input data, and then 
// calc the abs
call abs(y, x);
Name Attribute Level Offset Value Parameters Data
max constant 0 100
dbl_max constant 0 200
y variable 0 3
x variable 0 4
abs function 0 2 [(type: "integer", is_ref: true),
(type: "integer", is_ref: false)]
y variable reference 1 -2
x variable 1 -1
  • The offest for variables are their positions in the running function / block stack.
  • The offset for functions are their address in the generate output virtual machine code files.
  • When an offset is an negative number, these variables are parameters. They must be push into the running stack before calling the function (bl instruction).

Virtual Machine Architectural SW_VirtualMachine

Here defines the design of the SW virtual machine.

File list

The following lists the source files related to the Virtual Machine.

Field Information Description
Name SW Syntax Parser
Header VirtualMachine.h Define the class CRuntimeStack and CVirtualMachineInterpreter, which is the core of the virtual machine.
Header VM_instructions.h The definition of all the virtual machine instructions.
Source VirtualMachine.cpp Implementation of functions in VirtualMachine.h.
Source VM_instructions.cpp Implementation of functions in VM_instructions.h.
Source SWVM_Main.cpp The main program entrance. It contains wmain function.

Virtual Machines Instructions

Instructions are used by SW virtual machines. When compiler finishing its work, these code will be used to generate an assembly file. Then Virtual Machine can load these instructions and then perform an execution.

Instruction Syntax Description
nop nop 0, 0 Blank instruction. It doesn't do anything.
liti liti 0, literal Load an literal value.
lodi lodi level, offset Load value from a variable.
lori lori level, offset Load value from a reference.
mkri mkri level, offset Generate a reference value. It's used when push an
variable to a reference parameters.
stoi lodi level, offset Store value to a variable.
stri stri level, offset Store value to a reference.
b b 0, addr Jump to an address without any condition.
bc bc 0, addr Jump to an address with condition.
bl bl 0, addr Call a function.
Before bl is called, the caller must pre-push all the
required parameters, and add a param_count as the base.
int int 0, num Preallocate spaces for variables.
opr opr inst, 0 Doing a series of operation.
halt halt 0, 0 Force exit the program. Not used by the compiler.


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