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Before you start, ensure you have the following tools installed:

  • Terraform
  • Helm
  • kubectl
  • An active Azure account


k8c-cluster-azure is a project designed to deploy Kubernetes clusters on Azure with ease and efficiency. It utilizes Helm charts for easy and consistent application deployment and management within the Kubernetes cluster.


create the cluster

  1. Login to Azure CLI: az login
  2. Change directory to the Terraform configuration:cd terraform
  3. (Optional) Preview the Terraform plan: terraform plan
  4. Apply the Terraform configuration: terraform apply
  5. Retrieve credentials for the Kubernetes cluster: az aks get-credentials --name my-cluster --resource-group home-assignment Note: At this point, your cluster and resource group should be visible in the Azure portal.
  6. (Optional) Verify the current context is set to the new cluster: kubectl config current-context
  7. Return to the previous directory:cd ..

install the chart

  1. Apply the Kubernetes Ingress NGINX controller: kubkubectl apply -f
  2. Install the Helm chart: helm install releaset ./chart

Access the apps

  1. Retrieve the IP address for accessing the applications: kubectl get ingress -n namespace1 The IP address is located in the "ADDRESS" field.
  2. You can access the applications through: http://<ip>/service-a and http://<ip>/service-b
