EnumLookup is an open source AWK application to look-up a name (enumerator) or a value (an integer) of C enumerations.
For the ease of use on Windows, the AWK script is compiled into an EXE manner and is wrapped into a batch file.
- Download a binary distribution (e.g., EnumLookup-2.0-bin.zip) from Downloads page.
- Uncompress the binary distribution.
- Put the following files at the same directory
- enum.exe
- enum.bat
- your C header files containing enumerations
- Install EnumLookup.
- Execute
- Look-up:
- Key in a number to look-up corresponding names (enumerators);
- Key in a name (enumerator) to look-up corresponding value (an integer).
Usage: enum.exe -v key=value InputFiles
enum.exe -v cmd=help
enum.exe -v cmd=version