该库是利用libsvm进行行为预测的案例库。 详细完整的介绍了数据从获取到featurs提取到最后的行为预测的完整过程。
- android手机
- R v3.3.1 && RStudio v0.99.902
- weak v3.9
- eclipse集成开发环境
- jdk1.8
- python2.6
- gp424win32
- 将svm文件夹拷贝到系统当前用户目录下如:C:\Users\ydcun-psjs
- 安装好python2.6后将python 目录添加到环境变量path中
- gp424win32解压出来来的gnuplot文件夹:如:D:\Program Files\gnuplot\bin\pgnuplot.exe
- 修改svm\libsvm\tools\grid.py 中 self.gnuplot_pathname = r'D:/Program Files/gnuplot/bin/pgnuplot.exe' 替换成自己的目录
- 将手机加速度传感器的加速度值进行三轴向量和运算(使得运动的时候行为与手机姿态没有关系)
- 采集的时候是用32HZ频率以4s为一个时间窗进行采集数据,每窗数据有128个加速度数据
- 训练需要的数据在csv文件中(com.ydcun.libsvm_action.accdata.csv文件中)
- 将csv文件导入到R中
accdata = read.csv(file="C:\Users\ydcun-psjs\Desktop\机器学习\accdata.csv") library(sqldf) accdata2 = sqldf("select act,position,t_min,t_max,t_mcr,t_sttdev,t_mean,t_rms,t_iqr,t_mad,t_variance from accdata where act='Walking' or act='Running'") write.csv(accdata2,file="C:\Users\ydcun-psjs\Desktop\机器学习\accdata2.csv");
- weka将accdata2.csv文件转换成arff文件
- 最小值 min
- 最大值 max
- 方差 variance 1/length*sum(xi-x)^2 (0 < i < length)
- 过均值率 mcr (以均值为分界线,前后点分布在分界线两侧的几位一次 sum/length)
- 标准差 stddev
- 平均值 mean
- 均方根平均值 rms (先平方、再求和、然后开方)
- 四分位距 iqr (Q1~Q3 的差距)
- 绝对平均差 mad sum(|xi-x|)/length
- library(rjson)
- walking = fromJSON(accdata[1,3])
- plot(walking,ylim=c(7,15),pch=20,xlab="accdata",ylab="accvalue",col="red",type="o")
- title("走路-128个加速度采样点图像")
- plot(running,pch=20,xlab="accdata",ylab="accvalue",col="red",type="o")
- title("跑步-128个加速度采样点图像")
- 将数据进行行为与位置进行排序, accdata2 = sqldf("select * from accdata2 order by act,position") plot(accdata2$t_min,pch=20,xlab="accdata",ylab="accvalue",col="red",type="o")
- 查看不同类型数据数量 sqldf("select count(),act from accdata2 group by act") abline(v=858, col="blue") sqldf("select count(),act,position from accdata2 group by act,position") adcount = sqldf("select count(*) count,act,position from accdata2 group by act,position") temp =0; for(c in adcount$count){ temp =temp +c; abline(v=temp, col="black") }
adcount = sqldf("select count(*) count,act,position from accdata2 group by act,position")
adcount2 = sqldf("select count(*),act from accdata2 group by act")
for(i in c(1:9)){
temp =0;
for(c in adcount$count){
temp =temp +c;
abline(v=temp, col="black")
abline(v=adcount2[1,1], col="blue")
- 保留所有列
- 删除方差
- 删除标准差
保留所有列 | 删除方差 | 删除标准差 | |
Correctly Classified Instances | 94.0473 % | 93.9693 % | 94.0473 % |
Incorrectly Classified Instances | 5.9527 % | 6.0307 % | 5.9527 % |
Kappa statistic | 0.8206 | 0.8156 | 0.8207 |
Mean absolute error | 0.0595 | 0.0603 | 0.0595 |
Root mean squared error | 0.244 | 0.2456 | 0.244 |
Relative absolute error | 17.1713% | 17.3963 % | 17.1713% |
Root relative squared error | 58.61% | 58.9927 % | 58.61% |
Total Number of Instances | 3847 | 3847 | 3847 |
- 安装RODBC工具 install.packages("RODBC") library(RODBC)
- 建立连接mysql channel=odbcConnect("mysqlodbc", uid="root", pwd="123456")
- 查看所有的表 sqlTables(channel)
- 用sql语句获取数据
accdata = sqlQuery(channel,"select act,position,data,t_min,t_max,t_mcr,t_sttdev,t_mean,t_rms,t_iqr,t_mad,t_variance from accdata",stringsAsFactors=FALSE) library(sqldf) accdata2 = sqldf("select act,position,t_min,t_max,t_mcr,t_sttdev,t_mean,t_rms,t_iqr,t_mad,t_variance from accdata where act in ('Walking','Running') and position in ('Hand Fixed','Hand Swing')") ps: stringsAsFactors 不会将不认识的string类型转换成factors
- 安装rjson工具 install.packages("rjson") library(rjson)
- 读取json文件 grades=fromJSON(file = 'd:/20150524.json', unexpected.escape = "error")
- 处理封装json数据
min = c()
max = c()
mean = c()
for (n in grades){
min = c(min,n$min)
max = c(max,n$max)
mean = c(mean,n$mean)
data = data.frame(min,max,mean)