git-ex is git extensions tool.
npm i -g @yasukotelin/git-ex
git clone
npm install
npm run localInstall
If you can't use
git ex
, you need to restart terminal.
npm update -g @yasukotelin/git-ex
Usage: index [options] [command]
git-ex is git extensions tool
you can see more information
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
switch [options] switch branch
stage|add [options] stage files
unstage [options] unstage files
diff [options] show diff with selector
stash [options] stash actions
discard [options] discard files
rm-merged [options] remove merged branch
help [command] display help for command
? Pick stage files ›
↑/↓: Highlight option
←/→/[space]: Toggle selection
a: Toggle all
enter/return: Complete answer
◯ src/index.js
◯ src/command/diff.js
You can see Instructions with --instructions
Switch branch with selector.
when use --remote
, create new branch with selected remote it. Initial value is remote branch name.
Usage: git-ex switch [options]
switch branch
-r, --remote switch remote branch
-h, --help display help for command
Stage(Add) with multiselector.
Usage: index stage|add [options]
stage files
-i, --instructions display instructions (default: not display)
-h, --help display help for command
Reset (Unstage) with multiselector.
Usage: git-ex unstage [options]
unstage files
-i, --instructions display instructions (default: not display)
-h, --help display help for command
Display diff files with multiselector. If you use --cached
option, you can select from staged files.
You can use --staged
instead of --cached
Usage: git-ex diff [options]
show diff with selector
-c, --cached show diff cached(staged) files (default: false)
-s, --staged --cached alias (default: false)
-i, --instructions display instructions (default: not display)
-h, --help display help for command
Stash actions (show list, new stash save and clear all stash.). You can select a stash from list. And do action to stash (show diff, pop, apply and drop).
Usage: git-ex stash [options]
stash actions
-i, --instructions display instructions (default: not display)
-h, --help display help for command
Discard selected files.
If modified files, discard means git checkout {file}
. If untracked files, execute git clean -df {files}
Usage: git-ex discard [options]
discard files
-i, --instructions display instructions (default: not display)
-h, --help display help for command
Remove merged branches with multiselector.
Usage: git-ex rm-merged [options]
remove merged branch
-i, --instructions display instructions (default: not display)
-h, --help display help for command
git clone
cd git-ex-js
npm install
node src/index.js
use prettier default setting.
npm run format
recommend use vscode auto save.
"editor.formatOnSave" : true