Plugin to vuex, that does a simple, but very powerful job:
- on every action dispatch it emits socket event, defined by you for this action, with the same data.
- on every received socket event, it dispatches one or more actions, defined by you, for such events, with the same data.
For organizing of logic on the server side into the modules with the same names you will need to use my library namespace-controller
npm i vuex-socket-sync
Now you can additionally define in your vuex modules the socket
property - an object, that defines what actions to dispatch in response to what events and vice versa - what event to emit when dispatching what actions.
The object consists of two properties:
- an object, that defines what events to emit when dispatching actions, the names of properties describe the names of events, and values - the names of
- an object, that defines what actions to dispatch after receiving what events, the names of properties describe the names of actions, and values - the names of actions. Value can be an array, then several actions will be called.
The module example:
namespaced: true,
getters: {...},
mutations: {...}
actions: {
setAnswer() {...},
sendQuestion() {...}
socket: {
events: {
answer: 'setAnswer'
actions: {
sendQuestion: 'ask'
In this example we have two actions in the module: setAnswer()
and sendQuestion()
. And in socket
property next rules of synchronization of actions with events are defined:
- on receiving event
will be dispatched with the same data. - on dispatching action
will be emited with the same data.
No problems if you want a few actions to be dispatched with one event:
events: {
answer: [
You can point the way to the event or action from another namespace (for example logger/logAnswer
), but it works only for property values in actions
objects. Actions or events, that are properties names always belong to the current module or namespace. So you can write:
event: 'otherModule/action'
But you cannot
'otherModule/event': 'myAction'
If '='
is set by the value of property, it means that the name of event and action, described with this pair, are the same.
import socket from 'vuex-socket-sync';
import io from '';
const modules = {
folders: {
namespaced: true,
state: {
choosenFolder: null,
path: '',
tree: [],
paths: []
socket: {
events: {
paths: [
actions: {
openUserFolder: 'browse',
execute: 'interpreter/execute',
search: '='
const state = {};
export default new Vuex.Store({
strict: 'true',
plugins: [
socket(io, modules)
So, what have we got here?
Two actions will be dispatched on event paths
from the namespace /folders
: folders/fillQueryPaths
and settings/saveActualPaths
On dispatching folders/openUserfolder
event browse
will be emited from the namespace /folders
On dispatching folders/execute
event execute
will be emited from the namespace /interpreter
On dispatching folders/search
event search
will be emited from the namespace /folders
Как Вы видите, вы просто передаёте в плагин конструктор подключения. Дальше он сам обо всём позаботится.
As you can see, you just transmit connection constructor to plugin. Later it will care about everything itself.