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Releases: yairEO/tagify


11 Apr 19:30
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  • Bugfix - when tags are styles to render "outside" of the tagify component, the dropdown should not be visible when clicking outside the input box 6779018
  • Updated the "Easy to customize" example in the demos page to improve some styles regarding the "remove tag" button appearance f5b8ac5
  • Bugfix - selecting an option with value:0 should work as expected 463a77a
  • Minor CSS change to tag's max width 57ba284
  • Fixes #1312 - clicking on the right side, inside an empty tag, should focus out the tag and hide the dropdown also 958b769
  • Added a new setting - focusable 65187c5
  • Simplified the condition because dropdown.enabled is changed to 0 automatically if userInput is set to false by the applySettings method caae620
  • [chore] comment alignment f82b102
  • cursor: text CSS property should only be applied if Tagify has an editable node within 3d36780
  • Fixes #1316 - The React port should be able to update callbacks references and remove old ones 7b97280
  • Example for removing all events callbacks d4264fe
  • Added a this.removeAllCustomListeners as a cleanup stage inside the destroy method d787493
  • Added ability to remove all the events listeners for a specific type of an event, without specifying the callbacks as they are saves internally - Added ability to remove all the events assigned on the instance c08a3d1
  • Fixed a README mistake where react.tagify should be imported from the src folder and not dist 619dba5



08 Apr 21:36
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  • Fixes #1314 - setting userInput to false has no effect in select mode f02d911
  • Added userInput setter/getter to dynamically change the setting after initialization 10fb5a4
  • fixes #1315 - Add ability to change placeholder after initialization efadc70
  • refactored ​ from templates into constants file aa61a38
  • Removed all occurrences of the deprecated Tagify.logger.enabled 62319cb
  • Replaced this with globalThis in es6-promise.js polyfill file after an error started to happened due to recent gulpfile changes: "The 'this' keyword is equivalent to 'undefined' at the top level of an ES module" 45c9166
  • Refactored the logger to be in the helpers file 6b64e6e
  • Deleted tagify.js from './dist as there is now only tagify.min.js. * Deleted jQuery.tagify.min.js as the jQuery port have been deprecated 6267add
  • Removed the deprecated jQuery example 75fe297
  • Replaced Babel with SWC
  • Upped minimal node version from 14.20 to 16.15
  • Updated Gulp from v4 to v5
  • Refactored gulpfile
  • Updated @rollup/stream package
  • Replaced unmaintained rollup-plugin-terser with @rollup/plugin-terser
  • Removed all peerDependencies in package.json 8e4a93b
  • Split event variable in onWindowKeyDown method to isFocused & lostFocus for better clarity and prevent possible mix-ups d2c78cb

Breaking Changes:

  • Deprecated jQuery port entirely.
  • Deprecated the React pre-bundled file in /dist/. Please use the source file from /src/react.tagify.jsx instead.



19 Mar 11:37
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  • fixes #1309 - focusing on the edge of Tagify should not create a tag. This is becuase the event was coming form the Tagify wrapper itself and the text variable was not specific enough when getting the input's text 00a96ba



18 Mar 19:38
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  • fixes #1307 - dropdown suggestions list isn't updated when search text changes 7708846
  • fixes #1301 - addMixTags method was using an undeclared variable. 4387cf8
  • added import example for React Tags & MixedTags components 57ee338



16 Mar 20:26
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  • fixes #996 - rephrased license restrictions for rebradning and selling the software eb7098a
  • minor code adjustment for select mode 8cd82a3
  • changed the focus and blur events for the input element to global focusin & focusout events because they can be propagated, and more flexible to work with because it doesn't resrict working only with the input element 669ed81
  • method should do nothing if this.state.dropdown.visible is true 65abbb9
  • select mode should not auto-complete when pressing the TAB button because the autocomplete method cannot currently work for select mode since it only works for the input element which is hidden in select mode 10078f1
  • fixes #1296 - Updated templates file to allow select mode to have focus when being "Tabbed" into, by giving the tag's text node a contenteditable which makes it recieves focus aca03a0
  • added new helper method isWithinNodeTag to test if a certain node is nested inside a tag element d9595c9
  • fixed a minor issue in the "Easy to customize" demo section, where edited tag's text was breaking into a new line due to CSS pushing the X button over it 44fee24
  • updated packages 7ed4a07



07 Mar 20:01
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  • fixes #1303 - setting skipInvalid to true and enforceWhitelist also to true should not skip the adding logic if input is invalid and 5d58fbf
  • added Tagify.logger.enabled = true; to all test files and main demos page 3bc3361
  • fixes #1295 - added Tagify.logger static method to the constructor (disabled by default) and routed all console.warn statements in the code to it. 8c65593



12 Feb 21:27
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  • dropdownItemNoMatch content should not have empty spaces as it will show up in the HTML when injected 229d0e1
  • added custom validation setting to the mix mode example 283d512
  • refactored logic for post-processing a tag node which was just added to the DOM. 7635a44



12 Feb 20:55
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  • prepareNewTagNode method should return the modified tagData which includes the __isValid property 80b348d
  • [refactor] moved suggestions-related methods outside of dropdown.js into a new file: suggestions.js for seperation between the dropdown which is just a container and the actual suggestions and their logic code c29dbad
  • fixed banner issues 6021a7d
  • added a README section for the bundle's output files 7a4eb91
  • refactored similar user-input-to-tag preparation logic into a new method prepareNewTagNode which is called by addTags, addMixedTags & prefixedTextToTag 2c12c02
  • decided it's better to have the dropdown.highlightFirst setting set to true by default e5ffe6d
  • selectOption dropdown method should not return on mix-mode when this.DOM.input.parentNode does not exists 57cb194
  • [Chore] Added javascript sourcemaps support which required replacing rollup-plugin-banner with rollup-plugin-banner2 which does supports sourcemaps. Also fixed the banner comment which seems to have not been correct for a long time ef50d7e



11 Feb 15:18
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  • Fixed numbers-only whilelist not showing with userInput:false setting 96f96ee
  • Added paste event listener 90cc5f7
  • The global onClickAnywhere event should be of type capture to guarantee it will fire before any other event so not to mess state.hasFocus (related to #1282) 7e5409c
  • The global onClickAnywhere event should be of type capture to guarantee it will fire before any other event so not to mess state.hasFocus (related to #1282) b2d7c1a
  • Fixes #1219 - Tagify within a <label> element can't get focused as the focus it shifted to the hidden original field 859fca4
  • select-mode can only have one tag, so replaced block margin (up/down) with padding so the tag will occuy the whole space of the container and have a larger clicking area edd8378
  • Prevented dblclick event from being listened to in select mode, since there is no need for it.
  • In `select mode, clicking on the icon which toggles the dropdown should toggle it when it is already open. refactored that part. 6329b43
  • Remove console.log call 9369b86



29 Jan 12:41
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  • fixes #1288 - when editing a tag and hitting TAB or ENTER key to apply the change, it won't do anything since the tag was never blurred. Also decreased the EDITED_TAG_BLUR_DELAY to 0 for better responsiveness 7c63fec
  • fixes an issue where a tag is edited to have no textual value and then blured - and is expected to be removed (by default) 5d21ba2
