Releases: yairEO/tagify
Releases · yairEO/tagify
- fixes #787 - updated addTags to use DOM fragment for better performance when adding tons of tags at-once (copy=paste) 6a34aaa
- improved filtering suggestions for "select" mode: if a tag was chosen, do not filter by value until the tag is erased or was edited. if tag is edited so all characters removed, then the field blured - the tag is now removed. Also when editing the text and bluring, the tag is updated. 70d89e8
- improved demo for "select" mode 263c78e
- makes more sense to use "auto" since the X button should be to the right (in LTR) 1b5b7dc
- fixes #786 - Can't make tagTextProp work when mode select is set 699eab6
- #489 - improved controlled-component ability by better comparing between current value and new value c74bcf4
- changed how the original input is un-hidden 75b52c2
- fixes #783 - Browser shows console error when submitting a form with a "required" tagified input element which is empty 6213182
BREAKING CHANGE - Update regarding onChange
prop in React:
I have changed how the onChange
works internally within the Wrapper of Tagify
so as of March 30, 2021 the e
argument will include a detail
parameter with the value as string.
There is no more
, and to access the original DOM input element, do this: e.detail.tagify.DOM.originalInput
- BUILD f105039
- added "build" script f9a4db0
- fixes #778 (hopefully) - Previous tag is deleted when quickly pressing backspace and typing new text 168bfc6
- fixes #776 - added "suggestionClick" hook to the "enter" key down event, while sending the tag's data to the hook's function c8d1220
- #489 - added deep compare to the React wrapper when the "value" changes (AKA "controlled") f7826e7
- fixes #775 - in "select" mode, when selecting an option, the dropdown will no longer show any of the other options c12d286
- build ca79119
- fixes #768 - line-height clipped certain fonts glyphs 9b68cc2
- fixes #769 - Method removeAllTags ignores the passed option withoutChangeEvent a862866
- #762 tag somewhere in the middle of textarea and then put cursor to the end and press "DEL" then tag will be deleted 27a05e9
- fixes #760 - Caret stretch to full parent height in contenteditable inline with inline first child element c01782a
- fixes #736 - when typing and bluring the text is not becoming red and then deletced after a while (if whilist is objects and enforceWhitelist is true) 336e9ef
- [FEAT] #754 - force dropdown to always open (be placed) above or below the input c9e9e2d
- #568 - removed Angular port from repo and linked to a dedicated repo made by another developer @Brakebein 367f61f
- fixes #758 - "navigator" not available in SSR 18a06f5
- fixes #758 - "navigator" not available in SSR d3c73d5
- [CHORE] updated dependencies 10b9ae7
- fixes #746 - when editing a tag, the "edit:beforeUpdate" should not deep-clone the data, so the developer could modify it at the event callback if it is wished to remove/add other properties to the edited tag before the tag is replaced, therefore added a third option to the "trigger" event method b94bb54
- fixes #746 - when editing a tag which has other properties than "value" they should be persisted after editing f40ed1a
- Merge branch 'master' of 10503ff
- Added a missing custom event (#747) 41a9c11
- fixes #744 - Cannot read property 'withoutChangeEvent' of undefined 153d2bc
- fixed typo (#745) 3b5fa04
- build 1cf2ea7
- [bugfix] when filtering dropdown items, in case whitelist items do not contain any of the custom "mapValueTo" array strings, then use
instead cd87f4d - fix for whitelist of numbers a(not strings) 153996e
- fixes #732 - When using objects with "mapValueTo", typing tab to insert tag inserts value rather than tag c6fbe5d
- fixes #733 - Unable to insert tag containing "<x>" with tab key 4da23a8
- fixes dropdown border bottom in chrome - 128f335
- fixes #741 - Clicking on The Drop-Down Scroll Closes the Dropdown a373a02
- support for multiple class names in settings.classNames properties 4ed6b41
- fixes #538 - loadOriginalValues triggers multiple change event 4525cc5
- [CHORE] improved README stating "value" key is a must when using objects in the whitelist dea6128
- fixes #734 - last element stays in dropdown (when dropdown.position is "manual") 7d046bc
- [FEAT] #726 - add select & mix namespace classnames to the settings.classNames object 6036061
- [BUGFIX] fixes #725 TAB key does nothing in single-value mode with text entered 02503f9
- [BUGFIX] fixes #728 - Cannot read property 'insertBefore' of null 9c3564d
- [BUGFIX] #724 - when using "tagTextProp" setting, and typing a tag, without a whitelist, "value" property is set to "undefined" b503bed
- [CHORE] improved docs regarding last commit 0d9ce1c
- [FEAT] #709 - Programmatically adding tags in mix-mode 9507c36
- fixes #713 - In Mix mode, newly created tags are deleted when pressing backspace at the start of textbox ecefa02
- [CHORE] added an item to the FAQ list after somebody asked a question 91ad24c
- fixes #720 - autofocus React Component e8de4d8
- fixes #711 - [React - Mixed mode] remove tag after starting in read-only e57510a
- fixes #707 - Setting non-default mixTagsInterpolator fails to parse out tags ea74edf
- fixes #709 - Programmatically adding tags in mix-mode throws an error f461edd
- fixes #718 - Check native support for promises in polyfill fdbd70c
- add "np" package to streamline publishing 0d1a8cd
- demo page minor changes to head tag children 8032e03
- Update issue templates a529f48
- Update issue templates be8812c
- [BUGFIX] if "dropdownItemNoMatch" template is used, and the item is clicked, the dropdown won't close even if clicked outside afterwards 95964c0
- Replaced demo settings with Knobs - changed H2 titles color to match the logo color 14c6528
- fixes regarding mix-mode custom whitelist text prop (not "value") 970e802
- [bugfix] mix-mode fixes for complex whiteilst where values are ids and another property is used as the text of the tags/suggestions 8edb46c
- [bugfix] - minor fix related to "sameStr" helper function 03a582c
- fixes #628 - [Chrome Android] cannot delete mix-mode tags using the keyboard "backspace" key 6e29d43
- fixes #129 - If tag value ends with space whitelist not working f9a95e9
- [FEAT[ #702 - added new "validate" function to settings, for more complex validations which pattern cannot solve 0ba76b8
- fixed README typo 8366e9b
- fixes #703 - When using dropdown.mapValueTo option the original whitelist data structure changes 7053e7f