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Are you sick of players turning your awesome server into a NSFW gallery ? Do you wish to bring back your logic displays without the fear of seing anime girls in questionable situations ? Well, worry no more, xpdustry cooked another banger plugin for just this situation.

Introducing nohorny 2, the successor of BMI. This mindustry plugin automatically tracks logic displays and canvases and process them when needed with the anti-nsfw API of your choice.

Enjoy this family friendly factory building game as the cat intended it to be.


This plugin requires at least :


Put the plugin in your config/mods directory and start your server.

Then, go to the created directory config/mods/nohorny and create a file named config.yaml.

Now you can set up the analyzer of your choice:

  • ModerateContent: Incredibly generous free tier with 10000 free requests per month.

      moderate-content-token: xxx
  • SightEngine: Very nice service with 2000 free operations per month. Also supports gore detection.

      sight-engine-user: xxx
      sight-engine-secret: xxx
      # Optional thresholds tweaks
      unsafe-threshold: 0.55
      warning-threshold: 0.4
        - "NUDITY"
        # Since gore is very uncommon, it's not enabled by default
        - "GORE"
  • Debug: The debug analyzer allows you to check if the plugin properly renders the logic and canvases images, by saving them in the directory config/mods/nohorny/debug.

    analyzer: Debug

    There is also the in-game command nohorny-tracker-debug that allows you to check if displays and canvases are properly tracked.

Once you chose your analyzer, load your changes using the command nohorny-reload in the console, and enjoy, the plugin will automatically ban players that have built structures at UNSAFE Rating.


For those of you who want more control, like implementing a validation system to avoid false positives.

I suggest you to use the nohorny API in your plugin.

To do so, add the following in your build.gradle

repositories {
    maven { url = uri("") }

dependencies {

Then you will be able to intercept ImageAnalyzerEvent, which is posted every time a cluster of NoHornyImage is processed, see NoHornyAutoBan for an example.

Advanced Configuration

In config.yaml:

# Whether nohorny should automatically ban players when nsfw is detected,
# set to false if you want to handle that yourself
auto-ban: true
# The minimum number of draw instructions in a logic processor to be part of a cluster
minimum-instruction-count: 100
# The delay between the last logic or canvas block built and the analysis step,
# lower it on servers with fast build time such as sandbox
processing-delay: 5s
# The minimum number of canvases in a cluster to be eligible for processing,
# relatively high since you a lot of canvases are needed for a clear picture
minimum-canvas-cluster-size: 9
# The minimum number of logic processors in a cluster to be eligible for processing
minimum-processor-count: 5
# The search radius of linked logic processors around a cluster of logic displays,
# tweak depending on the average size of your server maps
processor-search-radius: 10


  • ./gradlew shadowJar to compile the plugin into a usable jar (will be located at builds/libs/nohorny.jar).

  • ./gradlew runMindustryServer to run the plugin in a local Mindustry server.

  • ./gradlew runMindustryClient to start a local Mindustry client that will let you test the plugin.

  • ./gradlew spotlessApply to apply the code formatting and the licence header.


Need a helping hand ? You can talk to the maintainers in the Chaotic Neutral discord in the #support channel.