Multitouch Experiments in iOS
The goal of this experiment is to build a framework with which to handle multi-touches for two finger firing.
All touches are handled within a used GameScene: SKScene through the following overridden functions:
override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?){ }
override func touchesMoved(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?){ }
override func touchesEnded(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) { }
Touches are provided as a unordered collection via a Set < UITouch >. Because they are unordered they must be identified via location what nodes they belong to on screen.
This is performed by the touchesForNode( ) -> [UITouch] and touchesNotForNode( ) -> [UITouch] functions.
func touchesForNode(imageNamed: String?, _ touches: Set<UITouch>) -> Set<UITouch>? {
var inclusiveTouches = Set<UITouch>()
for touch in touches {
let location = touch.locationInNode(self)
if let node = self.nodeAtPoint(location) as? SKSpriteNode {
if == imageNamed {
if inclusiveTouches.isEmpty {
return nil
else {
return inclusiveTouches
func touchesNotForNode(imageNamed: String?, _ touches: Set<UITouch>) -> Set<UITouch>? {
var exclusiveTouches = touches
if let excludedTouches = touchesForNode(imageNamed, touches) {
for touch in excludedTouches {
return exclusiveTouches
Determining whether a node is selected (i.e., returning a Bool) is performed by the isNodeSelected( ) -> Bool function.
func isNodeSelected(imageNamed: String?, _ touches: Set<UITouch>) -> Bool {
let nodeTouches = touchesForNode(imageNamed, touches)
guard (nodeTouches != nil) else { return false }
for touch in nodeTouches! {
let location = touch.locationInView(self.view)
// Debug Print
print("player1 @ x = \(location.x), y = \(location.y)")
return true
In Multitouch, selected nodes are registered in an array in the GameScene for informational purposes. Note: this isn't used to calculate nor draw lines between two touches.
Drawing nodes is performed by the dragNodes( ) function which essentially just sets the new position of the nodes to the location of the touch within the node.
The following version does NOT perform node jumping bound to a new touch, touches must be dragged from their current locations.
func dragNodes(touches: Set<UITouch>, nodeKeys: [String]) {
for key in nodeKeys {
if let firstTouch = touchesForNode(key, touches)?.first {
let location = firstTouch.locationInNode(self)
let nodeTouched = self.nodeAtPoint(location)
nodeTouched.position = location
print("node dragged : \(")
Before calculating the line parameters (touch locations) we should determine whether the touch scheme warrants firing/line drawing. We can define/change this determination by changing the innards of the shouldFire( ) -> Bool function.
func shouldFire(touches: Set<UITouch>) -> Bool {
// Determine if touch meets requirements to be activated as a LineVector & animated
// The following must be met to fire:
// (1) one touch is inside player1 node
// (2) there are 2 touches (i.e., UITouch.count == 2)
if (isNodeSelected("player1", touches) && touches.count == 2) {
return true
} else {
return false
Using the functions outlined above, the line between touches is calculated using a CGMutablePath (note: this is a Core Graphics type alias and doesn't have methods, and is performed on via external global functions).
We define the following if block as Firing so that we can escape the block should certain things happen within it.
Within both touchesBegan( ) and touchesMoved( ) the Firing block is defined with the Firing: if shouldFire(touches) {...}
Within that block, creates a SKShapeNode and a CGMutablePath. The two touches are then separated by calling the touchesForNode( ) and touchesNotForNode( ) functions on "player1"
The code following this separation is guarded from any possibility that the exclusiveTouches (i.e., not player1 touches) included more than one touch since a line can only be made of two points, one being the player1 location touch.
The path is then calculated from the locations of the separated touches and assigned as the line's CGPath property.
laser.path = path
Then the line's properties are then defined (such as: lineWidth, strokeColor, etc.) and the line is added to the GameScene as a child.
Firing: if shouldFire(touches) {
let laser = SKShapeNode()
let path = CGPathCreateMutable()
let playerOneTouch = touchesForNode("player1", touches)?.first!
let exclusiveTouches = touchesNotForNode("player1", touches)
guard (exclusiveTouches?.count == 1) else { break Firing }
let otherTouch = exclusiveTouches?.first!
let touchLocationOne = playerOneTouch?.locationInNode(self)
let touchLocationTwo = otherTouch?.locationInNode(self)
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, nil, (touchLocationOne?.x)!, (touchLocationOne?.y)!)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, (touchLocationTwo?.x)!, (touchLocationTwo?.y)!)
laser.path = path
laser.lineWidth = 4.0
laser.fillColor = UIColor("#ff0257")
laser.strokeColor = UIColor("#ff0275")
Within GameScene an array of active/drawn lines is defined.
var activeLasers = [SKShapeNode]()
This is emptied when touchesEnded( ) is called to prevent crashing and freezing; when emptied each SKShapeNode is removed from its parent (the GameScene node) via the .removeFromParent( ) function.