Created for fun. Used for auto score mahjong hands and futher projects.
- Some sample models I've developed are deployed at Roboflow. Feel free to try this out!
- 2024.3.17 Finished V3 model training.
- 2024.3.22 Finished simple hand scoring and shanten calculation.
- Next step: Create a simple web app to take a picture and score the hand.
- Finish the Flask Web app.
- Create a simple web app.
- Support taking a picture and score.
- Support specifying dora and other conditions.
- Support continuous web cam capture and score.
- Improve the model.
- Add more training and validation data (can auto capture a hand while in game every few seconds)
- Add Hand improvement suggestions.
- Recursively calculate possible hand improvement tiles.
- Have a web cam taking video feed of hand then
- Auto voice over for each mahjong tile played.
- Auto voice over for riichi and other actions.
- Calculate shanten for current hand.
- ...