This is a template for a new project.
, React
, Vue
, Electron
this is a react project using vite
- antd: UI components
- react-router-dom v6: react-router
- jotai: state management
- vite: dev server
- typescript: type checking
- unocss: atom css
- auto-import: import react automatically
this is a vue project using vite
- element-plus: UI components
- vue-router: vue router
- pinia: state management
- vite: dev server
- typescript: type checking
- unocss: atom css
- auto-import: import react automatically
- component: auto resolve component
this is a vue project using vite and electron the template is extends from vite-vue template
- electron: electron
- electron-builder: electron builder
Use git clone
command to clone the template under the specified branch by selecting the specified branch
# template clone
git clone -b <branch_name>
# vite-react
git clone -b vite-react
# vite-vue
git clone -b vite-vue
# vite-vue-electron
git clone -b vite-vue-electron