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xianglei edited this page Apr 20, 2012 · 13 revisions

1. "wget" or "git clone git://"

2. untar it.

3. add this follow to your nginx.conf in your "location ~ .php$ {};" area

fastcgi_connect_timeout 36000;

fastcgi_send_timeout 36000;

fastcgi_read_timeout 36000;

4. in php 5.3.x

open $PHP_HOME/etc/php-fpm.conf modify to this:

process_control_timeout = 36000s

and to this:

request_terminate_timeout = 36000s

open $PHP_HOME/lib/php.ini modify to this:

max_input_time = 36000

and to this:

default_socket_timeout = 36000

5. restart nginx && php-fpm

for localized language using,modify /, in this files, change "langs/lang_xx.php" to your language set.

Then see User guide for detail settings information.

1. 使用 wget 或者 "git clone git://"

2. 解压缩

3. 将下列内容加入到你的 nginx.conf 中的 "location ~ .php$ {};" php配置部分

fastcgi_connect_timeout 36000;

fastcgi_send_timeout 36000;

fastcgi_read_timeout 36000;

4. 在php 5.3.x 中的配置


process_control_timeout = 36000s


request_terminate_timeout = 36000s


max_input_time = 36000


default_socket_timeout = 36000

5. 重启nginx和php-fpm

需要使用本地语言,修改/, 在文件中将"langs/lang_xx.php"修改为你自己的语言设置
