phphbaseadmin is a hbase admin web tool,it developed using thrift interface、php CodeIgniter framework .
user grant manage
view table record
create table
batch delete tables
search table record
truncate table record
delete table
update record
delete record
monitor zookeeper
Install: -------------------- (1) setup apache or nginx
(2) git clone phphbaseadmin ,put phphbaseadmin directory to web app directory
(3) modify ,$configure['hbase_host']=your hbase thrift server
(4) Follow the standard instructions for installing and running the HBase server ,start thrift server
hbase thrift start or bin/ start thrift
(5) create database phphbaseadmin in mysql server ,import database/phphbaseadmin.sql,modify application/config/database.php,$db['default']['hostname']、 $db['default']['username'] 、$db['default']['password'] = '';
(6) if you use zookeeper monitor,please install cherry frame,then run cherrypy/
tar zxvf cherrypy/CherryPy-3.2.2.tar.gz
cd cherrypy/CherryPy-3.2.2
python install
run cherrypy/
(7) open http://serverip/phphbaseadmin in your browser, default user is admin ,password is admin888