The XEPL OE is seed software you can use to build incredible soft systems ... aka Programming.
The XEPL OE is a powerful inference engine, programming language and database.
The XEPL OE is middleware that provides you with a distributed compute environment inside a single process, where threads are agents, and memory is shared.
XEPL Systems are easier to build, easier to change, operate in an instant, and make small computers seem big, and big computers ... a endless breeze.
How? XEPL is a Brain, where everything you need is in there, and its fully connected.
Just add behaviors.
XEPL OE is the "core" Operating Environment.
XEPL Solo is a cheap and easy Html/Javascript User Interface.
XEPL OE + SOLO is a Cortex + User Interface Demonstration of XEPL.
XEPL SOLO provides a Web Server, and GUI for your Cortex.
XEPL Brain.kits allow you to customize your XEPL Cortex.
Sockets, HTTP, HTML, Timers, CLI, exSamples.
Together, Solo demonstrates XEPL ... while ... XEPL Powers Solo.
This is just a demonstration. There is not a lot of code here; there is nothing "science like" difficult and all you need is a freely available C++ Compiler and a basic web Browser to get started.
Todays tools and techniques are looking old.
Let's build new ones.
You've made a good choice to get started with XEPL.
All you need is a Computer with a C++17 compiler and a browser, and XEPL Solo ... and this adventure ... is yours.
From the smallest single cores to the largest multi-cores ... XEPL Solo is is the same.
XEPL runs on Linux, MacOS, and Windows; and using my stock Raspberry Pi, I can download and Build XEPL Solo, and be inside the browser in under a minute.
One line to compile (unix example)
g++ -std=c++17 solo.cpp
and one line to execute
Solo will open up your browser, and point it back the the Solo web server on localhost:8100.