This image is build and push with, a circle-ci like self-hosted. If you don't trust, you can build yourself.
- latest, 1.15.2, 1.15 (Dockerfile)
I've created new version rules, Before, I used nginx version, but now I will use [MAJOR-VERSION].[MINOR-VERSION].[BUG-FIXES]. I will use both notations
- No ROOT process
- Automatic configuration generation
- Automatic certificate generation and renew with letsencrypt and without downtime (use lego)
- Latest nginx version
- ARG for custom build
- Latest openSSL version
- OCSP Support
- HSTS Support
- CT Support
What is Nginx?
nginx (engine x) is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP proxy server, originally written by Igor Sysoev. For a long time, it has been running on many heavily loaded Russian sites including Yandex, Mail.Ru, VK, and Rambler. According to Netcraft, nginx served or proxied 24.29% busiest sites in December 2015. Here are some of the success stories: Netflix,, FastMail.FM.
Reverse-nginx generate for you the configuration of reverse proxy. Like traefik, it is based on the labels of containers, but it isn't dynamicly.
- NGINX_CONF : Nginx make configure options
- NGINX_VER : Nginx version
- ARG NGINX_GPG : GPG fingerprint (default : "B0F4253373F8F6F510D42178520A9993A1C052F8")
- ARG BUILD_CORES : Number of core use for make nginx (default : All cores)
- OPENSSL_VER : OpenSSL version
- LEGO_VER : Lego version
docker build -t xataz/reverse-nginx
docker build -t xataz/reverse-nginx --build-arg NGINX_VER=1.9.5
- UID : Choose uid for launch nginx (default : 991)
- GID : Choose gid for launch nginx (default : 991) (Use local docker group id)
- EMAIL : Mail address for letsencrypt
- SWARM : enable if use this reverse with docker swarm mode (default : disable)
- TLS_VERSIONS : Choose tls version separate by space (default : "TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2")
- CIPHER_SUITE : Choose cipher suite (default : "EECDH+CHACHA20:EECDH+AESGCM")
- ECDH_CURVE : Choose ecdh curve (default : "X25519:P-521:P-384")
- /nginx/ssl : For certificate persistance
- /nginx/sites-enabled : Warning, this file can be delete if restart container
- /nginx/path.d : Warning, this file can be delete if restart container
- /nginx/custom_sites : For create your own sites
- 8080
- 8443
Label Name | Description | default | value |
reverse.frontend.domain | Domain Name for this service | mydomain.local | valid domain name (For multiple domains, separate by comma) |
reverse.frontend.path | Domain path (warning, no rewrite url) | / | valid path, with / |
reverse.frontend.auth | For auth basic | none | user:encryptpassword (For multiple auth, separate by comma) |
reverse.frontend.ssltype | Choose ssl type | ec384 | rsa2048, rsa4096, rsa8192, ec256 or ec384 |
reverse.frontend.domain_max_body_size | Choose max size upload | 200M | Numeric value with unit (K,M,G,T) |
reverse.frontend.hsts | Enable HSTS | enable | enable or disable |
reverse.frontend.ocsp | Enable OCSP | enable | enable or disable |
reverse.frontend.ct | Generate CT for certificate | disable | enable or disable |
reverse.frontend.ssl | Generate letsencrypt certificate | disable | enable or disable |
reverse.backend.port | Port use by container | 8080 | Valid port number |
More labels soon !!!
$ docker exec -ti container_name gen_manuel_ssl sub.domain.tld rsa4096
For exemple, I launch lutim container :
$ docker run -d \
--name lutim \
--label \
--label reverse.frontend.path=lutim \
--label reverse.frontend.auth=USER:$(openssl passwd -crypt PASSWORD) \
--label reverse.frontend.ssltype=ec256 \
--label reverse.frontend.ssl=enable \
--label reverse.backend.port=8181 \
-v /docker/config/lutim/data:/data \
-v /docker/data/lutim:/lutim/files \
-e UID=1001 \
-e GID=1001 \
-e WEBROOT=/lutim \
-e SECRET=$(date +%s | md5sum | head -c 32) \
-e [email protected] \
-e MAX_FILE_SIZE=250000000 \
docker run -d \
-p 80:8080 \
-p 443:8443 \
--name reverse \
-e [email protected] \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
URI Access :