Welcome to Koffe, where fitness and coffee merge to create an extraordinary experience for both your body and mind. Indulge in our exquisite selection of specially crafted fitness-inspired coffees that are designed to fuel your active lifestyle
Animation :
- LottieFiles
- Google Font API
- Font Awesome
- Cloudflare
- Unpkg
- cdnjs
- Sleek and responsive design.
- Animated coffee mugs that move with mouse movement.
- Smooth animations powered by GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform).
- Scroll animations using AOS (Animate On Scroll) library.
- Interactive elements and transitions to enhance user experience.
- Integration of LottieFiles for captivating and dynamic visuals.
- Mobile-friendly design with responsive layouts for various screen sizes.
- Cross-browser compatibility for seamless viewing on different web browsers.
This project is used by the following: