script tries to convert DocBook XML to reST (with Sphinx markup enhancements).
I wrote it to convert fityk manual. It doesn't handle all DocBook elements, only the ones I needed. The script should be easy to understand and modify.
lxml library is used for parsing DocBook XML.
It's one-off script from 2009, not really maintained now but hopefully still useful.
It was hosted in SVN on Google Code until 2016, so it's not in a github "network" with
it's forks. Most of the forks stem from Kurt's fork.
This branch of evolution can be recognized by functions prefixed with e_
In 2013 Gerv from Mozilla forked the original script to convert Bugzilla docs. It may be a good starting point now: https://github.com/gerv/bzdocs/blob/master/db2rst.py