My personal library of random scripts, functions, and thoughts.
"And you must be Clay?" It's in the code--there's a method called
`clay_is_awesome`. I assume every programmer writes one of those.
Robin Sloan, "Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore."
Automatically create a Git repository from a folder fiasco like "thing v1.txt", "thing v2.txt", etc.
Ordered symbol table data types with mapping and set interfaces.
These are Stata ado programs.
Create a local macro that contains a list of files in folder, recursively through subdirectories.
My Emacs configuration file. I like to indent with tab characters. I'm sorry that I'm not sorry.
Everything is copyright © William Schwartz (me) as of the time I wrote it. All rights reserved. Free for non-commercial use. If you have been my client and code I wrote for you relies on code in this repository, it means I granted you a one time, free, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license.