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Ant tasks for Git using JGit


This is a set of basic Apache Ant tasks for Git to automate release processes, using the Eclipse JGit API. The goal is to leverage release management processes for Apache Ant based projects that use Git for revision control. This set of Ant tasks is currently used by the Ant Command Line Wrapper project and by the ant-git-tasks project itself!

Maven/Apache Ivy repository hosting is provided via Sonatype OSS repositories.

Tasks description

For an overview of available Ant tasks, please consult the wiki pages. The available Apache AntUnit tests give a good overview of the intended usage. The ant-git-tasks project is tested with Apache Ant itself, to have a feel of what’s working and how usable the tasks are.

General information


The expectation is that you create a git tasks container where you nest commands as needed. The initial step would be to setup the Git user information and credentials prior to running git commands.

<git:settings refId="gitSettingsReference"
              username="me" password="pwd"
              name="me" email="[email protected]"/>
<git:git directory="." settingsRef="gitSettingsReference">
 <git:clone uri="someuri"/>

User identify and credentials

The Git settings tasks allows specifying reusable credentials and identity settings. You typically first setup settings prior to running tasks unless you’re not doing any commits’. For now if you attempt a commit without settings, a null pointer exception is thrown, TBD fix it.

<git:settings refId="git.testing"
 email="[email protected]"/>


Once the settings are initialize, you just reference them in your root git tasks container. The git user information is require to commit to a repository and sometimes to push to remote repositories.

<git:git directory="repositoryCloneFolder" verbose="true" settingsRef="git.testing">
 <git:clone uri=""/>
 <git:checkout branchName="dummyBranch" createBranch="true"/>


Git namespace

You’ll need to add a reference to the git namespace to handle git related tasks.

<project name="myproject"
 // other build.xml elements

As noticed in the above lines, ant-git-tasks use Antlib to define tasks.

Inside the target(s) where you intend to call git, you’ll need to setup the classpath and initialize the custom task.

See the section below for dependency management strategies and classpath handling.

Dependency Management

You can either use Apache Ivy as dependency manager, or you can put manually files where you want.

Apache Ivy (preferred)

You’ll need the following dependencies in your ivy.xml file.

<dependency org="org.eclipse.jgit" 
            rev="" conf="YOUR_IVY_CONFIGURATION"/>
<dependency org="org.eclipse.jgit" 
            rev="" conf="YOUR_IVY_CONFIGURATION"/>
<dependency org="com.jcraft" 
            rev="0.1.50" conf="YOUR_IVY_CONFIGURATION"/>
<dependency org="com.rimerosolutions.ant" 
            changing="true" conf="YOUR_IVY_CONFIGURATION"/>

In your ivysettings.xml file, you need a reference to two repositories:

  • Maven Central for general dependencies
  • Sonatype snapshot repositories for ant-git-tasks
<url name="sonatype-snapshots" m2compatible="true">
 <artifact pattern="[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]"/>
<ibiblio name="central" m2compatible="true"/>

In your build.xml, initialize the task definition and its classpath.

<ivy:cachepath pathid="ant.git.tasks.classpath" conf="YOUR_IVY_CONFIGURATION"/>


<taskdef uri="antlib:com.rimerosolutions.ant.git"
    <path refid="ant.git.tasks.classpath"/>

Manual download (‘quicker’, but not recommended)

You can grab the files below from the Maven central and Sonatype OSS repositories:

In your build.xml, initialize the task definition and its classpath.

<taskdef uri="antlib:com.rimerosolutions.ant.git"
  <pathelement location="path/to/org.eclipse.jgit.ant-"/>
  <pathelement location="path/to/org.eclipse.jgit-"/>
  <pathelement location="path/to/jsch-0.1.50.jar"/>
  <pathelement location="path/to/ant-git-tasks-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"/>

Building from source

  • You need to have at least JDK 6 installed.
  • If you don’t want to use the ant wrapper antw script at the root of this folder, you’ll need Apache Ant 1.8.0+.
  • JAVA_HOME is to be set for the custom Doclet compilation so that the tools.jar file can be found.

Building with Apache Ant 1.7.1 leads to some intermittent errors when deleting temporary test folders. It looks like some kind of race condition is happening.

To list available Apache Ant targets, please run ./antw -p for Unix/Linux or antw -p for Windows.

If you use an IDE, take a look at Apache Ivy IDE Integration section on the Apache Ivy website.


Ant tasks for Git with JGit







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  • Java 86.1%
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