Warning: This is an early alpha version without commitment for backwards compatibility.
gitlab-autoscale-runner is a docker container specialized in creating an autoscale runner for gitlab. The default settings are geared towards creating a runner that allows building docker images. The first runner is automatically created and registered to the gitlab server.
Here are some of the relevant Environment Variables.
Name | Default | Description |
CONFIG_FILE | /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml | Path to config file |
CI_SERVER_URL | https://gitlab.com/ci | The CI endpoint of gitlab |
CONCURRENT | 20 | Hard limit of maximum number of machines running concurrently |
REGISTRATION_TOKEN | - | The Runners Registration Token |
RUNNER_NAME | Autoscale Runner | Name of Runner |
RUNNER_LIMIT | 1 | Maximum number of machines fors this Runner |
MACHINE_NAME | gitlab-autoscale-%s | Naming scheme for the VMs |
MACHINE_MAX_BUILDS | 100 | Maximum builds until a machine is delete |
MACHINE_IDLE_COUNT | 0 | Number of permanent idling hosts |
MACHINE_IDLE_TIME | 600 | Seconds after which an idling host is deleted |
MACHINE_DRIVER | - | Docker Machine driver e.g: 'digitalocean', 'google', 'aws', ... |
DOCKER_IMAGE | docker:latest | Default image to run builds |
DOCKER_PULL_POLICY | always | Image Pull Policy |
DOCKER_PRIVILEGED | true | Privileged is required to run docker builds. Attention: Only allow trusted builds to run on this runner when this is true |
CACHE_TYPE | - | Currently only s3 is supported for caching |
S3_SERVER_ADDRESS | s3.amazonaws.com | Address of S3-compactible endpoint |
S3_ACCESS_KEY | - | S3 Credentials |
S3_SECRET_KEY | - | S3 Credentials |
S3_BUCKET_NAME | - | Name of Bucket in S3 |
S3_BUCKET_LOCATION | - | Region of Bucket in S3 |
S3_CACHE_INSECURE | false | If true use http instead of https |
DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN | - | Access Token for creating VMs on DigitalOcean |
DIGITALOCEAN_REGION | nyc3 | Region to run Droplets in |
DIGITALOCEAN_SIZE | 512mb | Size of Droplets |
DIGITALOCEAN_IMAGE | coreos-beta | Disk image of Droplets |
DIGITALOCEAN_SSH_USER | core | SSH user to connect to Droplets |
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS | - | If set docker machine will look for credentials at specified path, otherwise it will use credentials from metadata. Read more here. |
GOOGLE_PROJECT | - | Google Project ID |
GOOGLE_ZONE | us-central1-a | Zone to provision the VM |
GOOGLE_MACHINE_TYPE | f1-micro | Type of machine to provision |
GOOGLE_MACHINE_IMAGE | projects/coreos-cloud/global/images/family/coreos-beta | Machine Image ID |
GOOGLE_SCOPES | https://www.googleapis.com/auth/logging.write | Scopes of provisioned machines |
GOOGLE_DISK_SIZE | 10 | Size of Disk in GB |
GOOGLE_DISK_TYPE | pd-standard | Disk type of ephermal disk |
GOOGLE_USERNAME | core | Username to connect to the VM |
GOOGLE_USE_INTERNAL_IP | false | Use internal IP when connecting to VM |
GOOGLE_TAGS | gitlab-autoscale | Tags to be attached to the VMs |
GOOGLE_PREEMPTIBLE | false | Use preemtible VMs |
For persistance you need to put the config file in a persistant volume. The config file if run as root is specified using the CONFIG_FILE
Environment Variable otherwise it is saved to ~/.gitlab-runner/config.toml.
docker run -e CI_SERVER_URL=https://gitlab.example.io/ci \
-e MACHINE_DRIVER=google \
-e GOOGLE_PROJECT=my-project \
-e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/etc/credentials.json \
-v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/etc/credentials.json \
docker run -e CI_SERVER_URL=https://gitlab.example.io/ci \
-e MACHINE_DRIVER=digitalocean \
# When running as non-root
docker exec -it CONTAINER vi /home/gitlab-runner/.gitlab-runner/config.toml
# When running as root
docker exec -it CONTAINER vi /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml
docker exec CONTAINER /bin/bash -c "RUNNER_NAME='My Runner' RUNNER_LIMIT=1 register.sh"
Automated build is available at the Docker Hub.
- Integrate and document AWS driver.