<<<<<<< HEAD Amazon Clone
React Frontend
@materialui https://materialui.com/
reactflipmove https://github.com/joshwcomeau/reactflipmove
Firebase Backend (user auth/purchased items)
firebase user authentication https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth
fireStore database https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore
blaze plan https://firebase.google.com/pricing
Stripe Functionality(card auth)
stripe card authoriztion https://stripe.com/docs/js
Express server version https://expressjs.com/
Full Ecommerce clone of Amazon.
State managment using StateProvider from 'react'. Storing the user,basket,and value of combined items
Open in editor
navigate to root folder
run "npm install"
-navigate to the Axios.js file and uncomment the testing endpoint and comment out the deployed endpoint
-navigate to functions folder run "firebase emulators:start"
-npm start
-navigate to the Axios.js file and uncomment the cloud function url endpoint and comment out the testing endpoint
-navigate to functions folder run "firebase deploy --only functions"
-navigate to project root folder run "npm run build"
-next run "firebase deploy --only hosting"