This is a websocket server written in Node JS to work with the web chat client and Android chat client.
This is an amatueur project written out of boredom and without a purpose hence the only purpose it has got would be sharing with everyone.
Instruction of how to use
- Place the entire WebSocketServer folder into any folder in your local disc.
- You must have Node.js installed before you could excecute this server. I am using visual studio code for Node JS.
- Instruction on installing Node JS for VSC can be found here
- In VS code terminal, type in, "cd /Users/jetty/Visual\ Studio\ Code\ project/Node\ js/WebSocketServer" to set path of folder in your local disc.
- Then, type in, "node Wss.js" to execute the server.
Instruction on how to change websocket port number of server
- Navigate to WebSocketServer->Wss.js and open the Wss.js file.
- Go to line 184, by default, this line should have code as "const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8080 })".
- Simply change port number 8080 to any number you desire.