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Java Build

Quarkus-powered Java Web Application Framework

Current version : 0.1.0. A preview release made for the Quarkus Hackathon. You can use it as a showcase of what Weblith could be, but at this time is still too experimental to start a production target project.

Quarkus Hackathon category winner !! Follow us on twitter for more updates about this projet.

How to use it

A Maven archetype exists, so that you can easily bootstrap a Weblith showcase application. Run this method :

mvn archetype:generate                      \
  -DarchetypeGroupId=net.zileo              \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=weblith-archetype   \
  -DarchetypeVersion=0.1.0                  \
  -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT                  \
  -DgroupId=org.acme                        \

Then you should be able to cd my-weblith and run mvn compile quarkus:dev.


Missing features or implementations:

  1. Session scope encryption
  2. UI components documentation + showcase

Original project

There are some features that could still be bringed back from the original project. Like:

  1. Router : Central Router allowing for example reverse routing in templates.
  2. TenantConfiguration : dynamic tenant configuration
  3. Flyway tenants : classes allowing migrations regarding configured tenants