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WordPress Bootstrap 5 theme with Vue.js admin and SPA components - under development


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WordPress | Bedrock - Local development environment with Docker

Images used for the services:

  • Wordpress: wordpress:php8.1-fpm
  • Nginx: nginx:stable-alpine
  • MariaDB: mariadb:10.6
  • PhpMyAdmin: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
  • Mailcatcher: sj26/mailcatcher:v0.8.2

wp-cli and xdebug support included.

For custom domain and ssl support, you will find the instructions at the end of this readme file.


  1. Create .env file in root folder. See the example. Change the app name only!

  2. Create wordpress folder in root. Bedrock will be installed here.

  3. Run set -a; source .env; docker-compose up --build.

  4. Create a new Bedrock project:

bin/composer create-project roots/bedrock

  1. Unfortunately, Bedrock will create the project into a subfolder inside the wordpress folder, so you need to have the sub-folder content in the wordpress folder.

  2. Make sure the .env credentials are correct (in wordpress folder) and match with the variable defined in .env in the root folder.

You can also customize the DB_PREFIX to increase security. See "Change table prefixes" section further below to change prefix for tables in an existing wp database.


Run bin/wp to enter the wordpress container. Simply run wp here. The wp-cli is run by the www-data user, not by root (otherwise, it would be a security risk).

After testing some wp commands, it turns out that the user creation (wp user create ...) is not working and produces an error. TODO: need to find cause. Maybe caused by Bedrock.

Note: There are other useful shell commands in bin folder.


Add your sql dump files into the db folder to be imported.

Recommended sql import:

Copy the sql file inside the mysql container:

docker cp ./db/dump.sql 1c5e4fa61afb:/var/dump.sql

After that, import the sql to the database inside the mysql container:

mysql -u wordpress -p wordpress < /var/dump.sql

Replace urls:

wp search-replace 'http://localhost:8080' 'https://decimus.local' --skip-columns=guid

Or use PhpMyAdmin for a small database.

Note: bin/mysql-import is now working. See the comments in the bash script.

Change table prefixes

Easier to use phpmyadmin for replacing the prefixes!

More complicated approach: Generate queries for all tables:

@database  = "wordpress";
@oldprefix = "wp_";
@newprefix = "se3e_";

SELECT concat(
               "RENAME TABLE ",
               " TO ",
               replace(TABLE_NAME, @oldprefix, @newprefix),
           ) AS "SQL"
FROM information_schema.TABLES

The code above resulted a list of sql queries. Run those:

TABLE wp_actionscheduler_actions TO customwp_...

Very important: make sure to replace the prefixes everywhere needed (for example, wp_user_roles -> customwp_user_roles)

UPDATE `customwp_usermeta`
SET meta_key = REPLACE(meta_key, 'wp_', 'customwp_')
WHERE meta_key LIKE 'wp_%';

FROM `customwp_options`
WHERE option_name LIKE 'wp_%';


This works better for Docker: wordpress/config/environments/development.php -> Config::define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');

You may need to change permissions for wordpress folder. However, for production, use permission 755 for folders, and 644 for the files! 777 is a dangerous idea for production.

Docker notes

For Linux, you may have to use sudo if your Docker is not configured to be used as a non-root user. There are useful bash scripts in bin folder (bin/start, bin/down, etc.).

Change Language

This is a bit tricky for Bedrock, but it works.

In composer.json changer these packages with your preferred language set like this:

"koodimonni-language/hu_hu": "*",
"koodimonni-plugin-language/woocommerce-hu_hu": "6.7.0",

to your language and versions. See more at: and

Copy the needed files to wordpress/app/languages. Also create themes and plugins sub-folders, and copy the right files in the appropriate place.




Useful resources

Custom domain and ssl certificate


  1. Set up your .env variables in root-folder .env

  2. Create SSL certificate for your APP_DOMAIN


You may need a different executable for mkcert. Copy your mkcert executable into .docker/nginx folder. Links:

Then run bin/setup-ssl.

  1. Add domain alias for (e.g. in /etc/hosts)

  2. Make sure server_name (there is 2 of them), ssl_certificate, and ssl_certificate_key is correct in .docker/nginx/default-ssl.conf! Although, the script will replace these values with the APP_DOMAIN if the default values are wordpress.local .docker/nginx/default-ssl.conf.

  3. Now you can build the docker project:

(set -a;source .env;docker-compose -f docker-compose-ssl.yml up --build)

Continue with step #4 at the Setup section.

Mailcatcher for local e-mail testing

  1. See the mailcatcher in the docker-compose files.

  2. Change sendmail_path in php.ini (php --ini). And reload php.ini by restarting services (bin/restart). Should be like this:

sendmail_path = /usr/local/bin/mhsendmail

mhsendmail - A sendmail replacement which forwards mail to an SMTP server. In our case to Mailcatcher's SMTP local server.

  1. Install "wpackagist-plugin/wp-mail-smtp":"3.7.0" with Composer inside the WordPress service.

  2. Configure SMTP:

Setup "from address", and "name". Choose the "Other SMTP" option.

Set these:

  • SMTP Host: mailcatcher
  • SMTP Port: 1025

No need for encryption. Auto TLS -> Off. Authentication -> None.

  1. Send out a test email.

  2. Access Mailcatcher UI at localhost:1081

Resolve WordPress loopback error

It is breaking the scheduled events, and can cause WP REST API errors as well.

A loopback request is simply a request that WordPress is trying to make to itself. Loopback requests are used to run scheduled events (wp-cron.php). Loopback requests need to function correctly in order to ensure your website remains stable

1. PHP-FPM pm.max_children should be at least 2.

Open the PHP-FPM's www.conf file (/usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf in our case) and check pm.max_children is set it at least to 2.

It should be correctly set by default though, but make sure it is okay.

"You must have at least two PHP-FPM processes running for Nginx, otherwise the loopback request ends up in a deadlock; the site health request waits on the result of the loopback request, but Nginx cannot process the loopback request until the site health request (that made the loopback request) terminates as there is only 1 PHP-FPM process running."

2. Point the IP of the Nginx container to the WordPress site URL

The bug is patched in v1.0.1.

Point the IP of the Nginx container to the WordPress site URL to make the loopback work!

All the networks are bridge networks by default (if not specified), and I use the default, bridge network's IP address, because it is always the same: (for example, So there is no need to modify the IP address everytime when restarting the docker network.

WordPress tries to loopback to itself via a domain name (localhost:8080 in our case), and the request should make it back to the Nginx Docker container. Otherwise, it will fail miserably.


      - localhost:
      - host.docker.internal:host-gateway

2.1. Get the bridge network's IP address

List the (running) Docker networks:

docker network ls

Get the details of your network including the IP address:

docker network inspect -v bridge


WordPress Bootstrap 5 theme with Vue.js admin and SPA components - under development








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