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Crawler Limitations and Request Throttling

devloop edited this page Oct 23, 2024 · 1 revision

This section includes options to limit the depth of exploration, throttle the number of requests, and control the overall scan time.

  • -r PARAMETER, --remove PARAMETER
    Remove the specified parameter from URLs before scanning.

  • --skip PARAMETER
    Skip attacking the given parameter(s) in URLs or forms.

  • -d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH
    Set how deep the scanner should explore the website. A higher depth means the scanner will follow more links.

  • --max-links-per-page MAX
    Limit the number of (in-scope) links the scanner will extract for each page.

  • --max-files-per-dir MAX
    Set how many files or pages the scanner should explore within each directory.

  • --max-scan-time SECONDS
    Set the maximum time (in seconds) the scan should take. You can provide fractional values.

  • --max-attack-time SECONDS
    Limit the time each attack module should run (in seconds). You can use fractional values for more precision.

  • --max-parameters MAX
    If a URL or form has more than MAX input parameters, Wapiti will not attack it.

  • -S FORCE, --scan-force FORCE
    This is an easy way to adjust the scanning and attack intensity. Valid choices are:

    • paranoid
    • sneaky
    • polite
    • normal
    • aggressive
    • insane
  • --tasks tasks
    Specify the number of concurrent tasks to use for crawling the target, which affects how fast the scan proceeds.