This is the official implement of Progressive Residual Extraction based Pre-training for Speech Representation Learning
Progressive Residual Extraction based Pre-training (ProgRE) is a speech self-supervised learning model that can progressively extract pitch variation, speaker information, and content information from speech in a residual manner. ProgRE achieves joint performance improvements on various tasks, such as speaker identification, speech recognition, emotion recognition, speech enhancement, and voice conversion.
conda create -n progre python=3.8
conda activate progre
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Codes of ProgRE and HuBERT model under MindSpore Framework
- Pretrained checkpoint of Base version ProgRE under MindSpore Framework
- Error analysis of migrating MindSpore framework models to Pytorch framework
- Usage of the pre-trained model in the MindSpore/PyTorch framework
- Training codes under MindSpore Framework
- Pretrained checkpoint of Large version ProgRE under MindSpore Framework (84,500 hours)
- Release 84,500 hours English-Chinese pre-training dataset
Mindspore-GPU is highly dependent on Ascend GPUs, so we recommend installing the CPU version for testing.
import librosa as lib
from models.config import get_config
import pyworld as pw
from models.utils import extract_pitch, make_pad_mask, get_feat_extract_output_lengths
from models.progre import init_progre_model
from mindspore import load_checkpoint, load_param_into_net, Tensor, ops
import numpy as np
import mindspore
config = get_config("./config/progre.yaml")
model = init_progre_model(config, input_dim=config['progre_conf']['input_dim'])
ms_param = load_checkpoint(r'./pretrained_model/base_progre.ckpt')
print(load_param_into_net(model, ms_param))
model.acc_net.mask = False
kernel_size = [int(i) for i in config["extractor_conf"]['kernel_size_list']]
stride = [int(i) for i in config["extractor_conf"]['stride_list']]
wav = lib.load(r"./supplementary_results/LJ001-0068.wav", sr=16000)[0]
wav = np.pad(wav, [0, 320-len(wav)%320])
origin_len = len(wav)
inp_len = len(wav)
cast = ops.Cast()
feature_lens = np.array([get_feat_extract_output_lengths(origin_len, kernel_size, stride), ])
feature_paded_len = get_feat_extract_output_lengths(inp_len, kernel_size, stride)
pitch = extract_pitch(wav)[:, :feature_paded_len]
feature = model.acc_net.forward_align(
source=cast(Tensor(wav[None, :]), mindspore.float32),
padding_mask=Tensor(make_pad_mask(feature_lens, max_len=feature_paded_len)).bool(),
pitch=cast(Tensor(pitch), mindspore.float32),
- First, it is necessary to convert the model checkpoint from the MindSpore framework to a PyTorch checkpoint.
# Please modify the path in the python file before running
python migrating/
- Load converted checkpoint and inference
import yaml
from models.pytorch.progre import ProgRE, ProgREConfig
import torch
from copy import deepcopy
import librosa as lib
from models.config import get_config
import pyworld as pw
from models.utils import extract_pitch, make_pad_mask, get_feat_extract_output_lengths
import numpy as np
config_ms = get_config("./config/progre.yaml")
with open("./config/progre_pt.yaml", 'r') as file:
config = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
config = ProgREConfig(**config)
model = ProgRE.build_model(config)
ckpt = torch.load(r"pretrained_model/TORCHModel_base_progre.ckpt", map_location="cpu")["model"]
pretrained_dict = {}
model_state = model.state_dict()
torch_names = deepcopy(list(model_state.keys()))
for k, v in ckpt.items():
if k.find("fbank_encoder") != -1 and k.find("fc") != -1:
k = k.replace("fc1", "norm1")
k = k.replace("fc2", "norm2")
if k.find("spk_astp.out.dense") != -1:
k = k.replace("dense.", "")
if k.find("sub_spk_norm") != -1:
k = k.replace("beta", "bias")
if k in model_state and k.find("label_embs_concat") == -1 and k.find("final_proj") == -1:
if v.shape != model_state[k].shape:
if len(v.shape) != len(model_state[k].shape):
print("%s convert shape from %s to %s"%(k, str(v.shape), str(model_state[k].shape)))
v = v.reshape(model_state[k].shape)
print("transpose shape from %s to %s"%(str(v.shape), str(v.T.shape)))
v = v.T
pretrained_dict[k] = v
kernel_size = [int(i) for i in config_ms["extractor_conf"]['kernel_size_list']]
stride = [int(i) for i in config_ms["extractor_conf"]['stride_list']]
wav = lib.load(r"./supplementary_results/LJ001-0068.wav", sr=16000)[0]
wav = np.pad(wav, [0, 320-len(wav)%320])
origin_len = len(wav)
inp_len = len(wav)
feature_lens = np.array([get_feat_extract_output_lengths(origin_len, kernel_size, stride), ])
feature_paded_len = get_feat_extract_output_lengths(inp_len, kernel_size, stride)
pitch = extract_pitch(wav)[:, :feature_paded_len]
feature, hidden_layers = model(
source=torch.tensor(wav[None, :], dtype=torch.float),
padding_mask=torch.BoolTensor(make_pad_mask(feature_lens, max_len=feature_paded_len)),
pitch=torch.tensor(pitch, dtype=torch.float),