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OLD documentation for Walkable, built with gitbook-cli. Check out the new version built with asciidoc instead

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Data dominates. If you’ve chosen the right data structures and organized things well, the algorithms will almost always be self-evident. Data structures, not algorithms, are central to programming. – Rob Pike

Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships. – Linus Torvalds

Walkable is a serious way to fetch data from SQL for Clojure: Datomic® pull (Graphql-ish) syntax, Clojure flavored filtering and more.

Ever imagined sending queries like this to your SQL database?

{% mdtabs title="Query" %}

[{[:person/by-id 1]
   {:person/pet [:pet/name :pet/favorite-location]}]}]

{% mdtab title="Data" %} Table "person":

id name age
1 Mary 20
2 John 15

Table "pet":

id name favorite_location
10 Tom garden
20 Jerry kitchen

Table "person_pet":

person_id pet_id
1 10
2 20

{% mdtab title="Result" %}

{[:person/by-id 1]
 {:person/id   1
  :person/name "Mary"
  :person/age  20
  :person/pet  {:pet/name              "Tom"
                :pet/favorite-location "garden"}}}

{% endmdtabs %}

or a bit more sophisticated:

{% mdtabs title="Query" %}

`[{(:articles/all {:filters [:and [:= false :article/hidden]
                             {:article/author [:= :user/username "lucy"]}]})
    {:article/author [:user/id :user/username :user/karma]}]}]

{% mdtab title="Data" %} Table "article":

id title author_id hidden created_date
1 Hello world 10 false 2018-10-11
2 Welcome 20 false 2018-11-10
3 Unfinished 20 true 2018-09-20

Table "user":

id username karma
10 mark 21
20 lucy 42

{% mdtab title="Result" %}

  [{:article/title        "Welcome"
    :article/created-date "2018-11-10"
    :article/author {:user/id       20
                     :user/username "lucy"
                     :user/karma    42}}]}]

{% endmdtabs %}

Yes, you can. Have your data fetched in your Clojure mission critical app with confidence. Even more, build the query part of a fulcro server or REST api in minutes today! Call it from your Clojurescript app without worrying about SQL injection.

You can learn about the above query language here

{% hint style="info" %}

Walkable is NOT about

People may have the impression that Walkable (and Pathom) is specific to That is NOT the case! Walkable requires a query language that is expressive and based off data structure.'s EDN query language (EQL) happens to satisfy that.

Walkable's goal is to become the ultimate SQL library for buiding APIs.

{% endhint %}

Special thanks to:

  • Rich Hickey & Cognitect™ team for Clojure and Datomic®
  • David Nolen for bringing many fresh ideas to the community including
  • James Reeves for Duct framework. The best development experience I've ever had
  • Tony Kay for his heroic work on fulcro that showed me how great things can be done
  • Wilker Lucio for pathom and being very supportive
  • Sean Corfield for which we all use extensively
  • Bozhidar Batsov and CIDER team!!!


Walkable comes with some optimizations:

  • A compile phase (floor-plan/compile-floor-plan) that pre-computes many parts of final SQL query strings.
  • Reduce roundtrips between Clojure and SQL server by combining similar queries introduced by the same join query. (aka N+1 problem)

More optimization will be added. Check github issues for progress.


  • Currently Walkable only takes care of reading from the database, NOT

    making mutations to it. I think it varies from applications to

    applications. If you can think of any pattern of doing it, please

    open an issue.


project chat

I'm available for questions on #walkable clojurians channel. I'm also on #fulcro and Clojureverse


Copyright © 2018 - 2019 Hoàng Minh Thắng

Datomic® is a registered trademark of Cognitect, Inc.


OLD documentation for Walkable, built with gitbook-cli. Check out the new version built with asciidoc instead



