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p2p networking library in Haskell


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p4p ("peer-for-peer"), a p2p networking library, in Haskell.

This is currently EXPERIMENTAL.

This is not your average networking library, it is exceedingly opinionated on how programs should be structured. The main theme is to architect protocol implementations against a simple interface to an abstract runtime environment, rather than against the complex ones provided by popular operating systems. This makes it it easier to match a specification with its implementation, and enables advanced features not easily achievable in typical programs, described below. It also includes various support frameworks that help to reduce the cost of adhering to these structure and architecture prescriptions, that recover the convenience of the more complex runtime interfaces.

Implemented so far:

  • Completely deterministic execution.
  • Suspend execution at arbitrary points into a serialisable state, which can be arbitrarily copied and sent to others, e.g. for testing or analysis.
  • Resume or fork previously-suspended execution state, even if it had been originally executed on a different platform.
  • Record inputs and outputs, and replay an execution on the same inputs and verify that the outputs are the same i.e. that the implementation indeed is deterministic. Replay an execution on slightly different inputs and analyse how this changes the output and behaviour.
  • All of the above is achieved without invasive low-level tooling, and can be done on live production instances. That is, the approach automatically enables advanced instrumentation features, without explicit code for it.
  • All of the above also applies to a whole-network simulation, as well as the execution of individual processes.


  • Actual examples of implemented protocols that are reasonably complex.
  • See TODO file, and grep for various TODO in the source code.

One major use-case is as follows:

Typically, debugging production software involves lots of logging. However, no existing general logging system supports replaying the logs against the code, so that you can easily empirically test your theories as you attempt to figure out why the code exhibited a certain bug, or to write a fix for it. Instead, you must recreate the conditions of the bug afresh, which relies on you understanding it in the first place. This cyclic dependency can mean that the start of an attempt to debug a problem in a complex protocol can be very slow, especially in decentralised production environments without access to all nodes. Being able to replay the logs against both buggy and potentially-fixed versions of the code helps to greatly speed up this process.

What do we mean by determinism? Actually, technically all computer programs are already deterministic in principle - given all of the inputs to an execution of the program, there is only really one way to execute it, since the instructions are unambiguous. However, recording all of the inputs is next-to-impossible to achieve in practice, since this includes things such as:

  • when different threads read from / wrote to shared resources relative to each other, which includes:
    • shared memory
    • file descriptors / sockets
  • when different threads were suspended and resumed relative to each other, which is affected by:
    • when timers were fired
    • any other interrupts such as hardware interrupts
    • the scheduler, which itself is affected by potentially-all other processes running on the machine, or resource-usage-separation context
  • possibly other things I've overlooked here

In theory, if we record all of this input information, it should be possible to replay an execution of a program deterministically and reproduce the recorded behaviour completely faithfully. However, this approach has inherent downsides:

  1. The logic is specific to a particular platform (CPU or kernel), and has to be maintained and extended as new services (i.e. instructions or syscalls) are added to that platform, and used by programs in practise.
  2. There is an insane amount of input you have to record, and the irrelevant parts (i.e. thread suspensions unrelated to the application) overwhelm the relevant parts, making the actual application logic hard to analyse. However even the irrelevant parts can contribute to the behaviour of a bug, so they cannot simply be filtered away.
  3. Replaying all this input will be slow, since it involves recreating their low-level context accurately, which would likely involve more overhead than running them in their "natural" original way.

In fact, there are several existing system that attempt to do this, making various design compromises in order to alleviate some of the above. However, these downsides really are inherent to this approach and cannot be resolved to our satisfaction. We give a more detailed `Comparison`_ further below; but please read onwards to first understand what our different approach is.

Instead of having a very rich runtime environment, in this library our approach is to purposefully only provide a greatly simplified one. Programs must be defined as pure state machines, that can only interact with this runtime via a stream of inputs and outputs. In addition, the inputs, outputs, and execution state must all be serialisable.

These constraints give us the ability to execute programs deterministically, and to do advanced high-level things with their execution, such as those listed in Features.

A note on terminology: program refers to a static piece of code that defines a behaviour; whereas process refers to a running instance of a program, including its runtime state, which changes over the lifetime of execution, and can be very different across different executions of the same program.

To expand in detail upon the high-level summary above: the runtime environment consists of the following services, designed as pure abstractions without depending on operating system services (as the Haskell IO monad does):

  • timers - Data.Schedule
  • RNGs - Crypto.Random.Extra
  • network and user I/O - P4P.Proc

Our focus on easy serialisation comes at a cost, namely being unable to use closures/continuations when implementing callbacks such as timers and futures/promises. However, we observe that in nearly all secure programs, we do not need to run arbitrary callbacks to handle these sorts of events, rather they are always selected from some predetermined set of behaviours, and the input parameters to these behaviours are always serialisable. This is not a new technique or concept - it's called "defunctionalization" and has been around for several decades. We provide some higher-level utilities to make this technique easier to use for each new protocol that needs it.

Our design is focused around network protocols and should work nicely for communication programs that are generally I/O-bound. Nevertheless, these programs sometimes also have heavy computation or storage needs. Our strategy for dealing with this is described further below in Challenges.

For programs that are CPU-bound, our model is not the most suitable. However, these programs generally have predictable I/O sources that are static across the lifetime of the execution - e.g. think scientific, analysis, or production (e.g. compiler) tools. That is, they don't make much use of the complex runtime environment provided by the operating system. Hence, it is already easy to implement them in a deterministic way, and to perform all the advanced features we described without needing any special support frameworks such as this one.

For very complex programs such as browsers, IDEs, and some games, they can be split into I/O-bound parent programs that delegate heavy computations to CPU-bound child programs, thus adopting a hybrid of the above approaches.

Since one big focus of this library is to design simple abstractions for runtime environments, we chose Haskell. Syntactically, it is very clean at expressing abstractions, whereas with Rust and OCaml for slightly more advanced abstractions, one has to write much more syntactic boilerplate and punctuation than the equivalent things in Haskell.

We don't make much use of evaluation laziness (a controversial distinguishing feature of Haskell) and our data structures are mostly explicitly defined to be strict, like other languages do by default. Therefore, it should be easy to translate this library into either Rust or OCaml when ready if desired.

Haskell is also much more performant that people give it credit for - the GHC optimiser is pretty good and Haskell comes high in the Debian language benchmarks, coming solidly in "tier 2" next to Swift, Go and OCaml, "tier 1" being of course C/C++/Rust.

For the few specific performance-critical things, such as certain cryptographic primitives, these are implemented in C/C++ by the relevant Haskell library. Otherwise, as mentioned earlier p2p programs generally are I/O bound, and Haskell does sufficiently well in such situations.

There is also work on the horizon (i.e. in several years' time) that would make the language even faster - such as Linear Haskell which eventually will be able to optimise away unnecessary state copies whilst retaining the ability to clone the whole state at will.

Several existing systems implement the low-level approach we described earlier, that works to record-and-replay existing programs. This was a major requirement of theirs and has several downsides; it is not a major requirement of ours hence we chose our different approach, which fully addresses these downsides.

Generally, these systems focus on the use-case of step-through debugging, where you step through a program and examine its state at different points during its execution. This is always useful; however in our experience debugging complex protocol software running on production servers, we also need the ability to analyse whole-execution log traces. Often, a bug is caused by multiple systems acting together, and step-through debugging is too slow at giving you the full picture of what happened.

But all of these systems inherently suffer from too much input, as described earlier in Background, so their logs are much less useful. Filtering away the irrelevant input doesn't work either, since it may be a critical part of why a bug exists and how it behaves. (Some systems filter out determinstic input but retain non-deterministic input; a large part of the latter is still irrelevant and analysing these logs for debugging is not practical.) With our approach, such irrelevant input does not exist in the first place.

Other issues include:

  • They only work on certain CPUs that provide faster instructions to perform the recording with. Sometimes these instructions are buggy, because they are not normally run during production, and so have had less attention on them.
  • There are two general approaches, neither of which is satisfactory to us:
    • Full-system recording is very slow and suffers from all of the problems we mentioned above. It can support true multi-threaded programs, but the speed reduction makes it unsuitable for running in production.
    • User-space recording is much faster, and can be run in production like our approach. However it is inherently unable to support suspend-and-resume capabilities - it fails to record state from the kernel that is relevant to the high-level logic of the program, e.g. the state of timers, or of listen sockets, etc. Programs must write cross-platform logic to support this; with our approach this ability comes for free for every program.

Our approach is currently experimental and there are only a few other projects in the world adopting similar principles (e.g. some unikernels). There are several challenges to be overcome before we can deliver on its vision.

One key challenge being, can we actually implement real-world protocols using this simplified runtime environment? Perhaps the constraints placed on the developer are too costly for real-world usage? This is certainly a risk, similar to how Haskell constrains the programmer and as a result has never been one of the most popular programming languages. However, one lesson to be learnt from Haskell (and elsewhere) is that placing heavy constraints upon yourself, pushes you to explore concepts to their ultimate depth, discovering more thorough and universal abstractions useful for future creations. We believe that these benefits are worth pursuing as a technology to exist in the world, even if it's not the most popular in terms of usage.

Further R&D work can also mitigate this factor - to carry on the analogy with Haskell, modern Haskell today in 2020 is certainly easier to use than Haskell from the 1990s. Similarly, by gaining experience in writing more real-world protocols, we develop more support frameworks that will reduce the effort involved in writing new future protocols. Notably, we already have previous experience in doing this, and have designed our simplified runtime environment around the core essential needs of typical protocols, omitting typical operating system services that we've found to be unessential.

As mentioned in Limitations, sometimes even communication programs have heavy computation or storage requirements. We have yet to explore the design space here thoroughly to figure out the best model for supporting these.

One main problem is that both computation and storage can block the thread of execution, preventing other I/O from being handled in the meantime. One option that addresses this, is to split these parts of the program into separate child programs that performs the heavy computation or provides piecemeal access to the storage, and communicates with the parent program via a new set of inputs and outputs just like how other external processes communicate. This is fairly realistic, and forces the parent program to handle errors such as disk failures or computations running out of memory. Whether we can do practical programming under this model is yet to be explored.

Deterministic execution of a computation-heavy child program is easy; that of a storage-heavy child program is hard. However, as long as the communication between the child and parent programs are recorded, deterministic execution of the top-level parent program can still be achieved.

Some more specific things are mentioned in the TODO file.

A long-term challenge is to keep the simple runtime environment simple. Operating systems did not start off being as complex as today's - older systems were much simpler. But over time, more and more features were incrementally added to the runtime system interface, and exposed to all programs even though most of them did not need them. New programs were tempted to use these new features simply because they were available, even if they made the program more complex than what was needed to accomplish their task.

We'll have to figure out how best to avoid repeating this mistake. Our focus on abstraction certainly helps - programs are encouraged to be written against abstract I/O interfaces, instead of specific networking sockets or filesystems.


p2p networking library in Haskell



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