nvim-cmp source completions and snippets for OpenGL api functions.
This is helpful when using libraries like glad that obfuscate the underlying api with macros.
The completion documentation for function calls is parsed from the gl4 xml files found at KhronosGroup/OpenGL-Refpages.
The completion for OpenGL constants (e.g GL_TRIANGLES, GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE, etc) is also added but the documentation is omitted.
By default the completions will display for c/cpp filetypes and insert c/cpp compatible code.
If you are looking for completions for GLSL, checkout glsl_analyzer.
There are two steps to enable completions:
-- Place cmp_gl above nvim_lsp
sources = {
{ name = 'cmp_gl' },
{ name = 'nvim_lsp' },
-- https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp/issues/999
-- You may need to fix clangd indentation issue
-- with `--header-insertion-decorators=false`
name = 'clangd',
cmd = { 'clangd', '--malloc-trim', '-j=2', '--header-insertion-decorators=false' },
-- for convenience you can move the cursor to the first param of a function
-- for better interactions see "snippets" sections below
-- lazy spec
config = function()
move_cursor = true
If luasnip is setup then snippets might be preferred as they allow jumping to each function parameter.
-- lazy spec
config = function()
snippets = true
If you want to see completions in other filetypes you can do that but note that this will still insert c-style code.