v0.1: Add detectors descriptions from the system paper
v0.2: first contributions
- TOF: plots
- TM: plots and text
- Tracker: plots and text
- KL: plots and text
- LH2 absorber: text and figures
v0.3: more contributions
- TOF: text draft
- EMR: two sections
- Detector alignemnt: first full draft
v0.3.1: full EMR section from Francois
v0.4: Ckov plots
v0.5: liquid hydrogen absorber included
v 0.9:
all contributions apart from:
- full PID
- energy loss in lH2
New plots for EMR and Detector alignment, all done with MAUS-v3.2.0
Updated TOF plots
New LH2 temperature plot for the steady state