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Releases: victoriadrake/hugo-theme-sam

Video background awesomeness

01 Sep 01:38
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The awesome #90 adds an optional video background to your main page. The
theme also now features an upgraded gallery! Thanks in very large part
to this theme's awesome contributors, particularly @arthurbailao.

Accessibility improvements

01 Mar 19:23
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#67 and @Vlaaaaaaad brought to my attention that Sam's templates were not (much, at all) friendly to screenreaders. This breaking change release addresses this issue by using HTML content sectioning and common role attributes.

Changes of note:

  • Conversion of many nested <div> elements to proper content sectioning elements such as <main> and <nav>
  • Sass styling formerly applied to #content is now applied to <article>; id="content" has been removed from templates
  • Renaming of the section class in style.sass to the more accurate flex-container

As always, further improvements through PR contributions are more than welcome.

Update galleries to be way more awesome

14 Apr 21:15
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Taking advantage of Hugo's Page Bundles and Image Processing, galleries are new and much improved!

Now with 51% less code!

New improved Hugo Pipes flavour!

19 Mar 23:20
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New in this release

Thank you to our wonderful contributors and everyone who submitted issues. Here's how Sam is new and improved:

Hugo Pipes

Now with added Hugo Pipes for seamless processing of Sass to compiled and minified CSS!

Internal templates for sharing

We've taken everything that was delicious about metadata and made it even better. By using Hugo's internal templates, you can easily set metadata values in config.toml.

Easier multiple galleries

Create multiple gallery pages named anything you want just by setting type in the front-matter. Check out the README for more. Fun for the whole family!