This is an android app to control the spends. Each spend is related to a category but different from the majority of the applications in this sector, the user set it's own categories. Set them a color and a character to be indentified.
It's possible to change at any time.
It's devided in two. Categories and Spends.
A spend has a value, it's related to one category and optionally it has a description. Can be edited at any time.
A category has a name, a character and a color. It's used in spends. Can also be edited at any time.
About the app, it has some of the below features:
- Create, edit and delete spends and categories
- Reorganize by categories
- Limit the showing spends
To install on you smartphone, you need to download the repository, open on android studio and build.
The interface is really simple and really obvious. The first window is for spends. To control categories, just select the symbol on the right top side.
There is to images on this repository, on the main folder (ss1.png and ss2.png)
If you have any idea, open an issue and let's discuss this ;) And let's decide if it worth or not. If yes, you are free to do your changes.