This is my vimrc inspired from the basic version of Amix's The Ultimate vimrc but using Vundle as plugin manager.
- Default color schema & key mappings are not modified.
- The
file is stored in~/.vim
, leaving your own~/.vimrc
intact. - The following plugins are included by default:
- Vundle - Vundle is short for Vim bundle and is a Vim plugin manager.
- YouCompleteMe - YouCompleteMe is a fast, as-you-type, fuzzy-search code completion engine for Vim.
- YCM-Generator - A script which generates a list of compiler flags from a project with an arbitrary build system.
- cscope-maps - Just old good cscope maps for vim.
- NERDTree - The NERD tree allows you to explore your filesystem and to open files and directories.
- lightline.vim - A light and configurable statusline/tabline for Vim.
- ctrlp.vim - Full path fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, ... finder for Vim.
- Clone from GitHub:
$ git clone --recursive ~/.vim
- Enable it by sourcing
$ vim ~/.vimrc
source ~/.vim/vimrc
- Edit
for the list of plugins to install. Please read the document of Vundle carefully before making any change to the file.
$ vim ~/.vim/vimrc
- Install plugins
$ vim
- Install YouCompleteMe
YouCompleteMe requires additional steps to install. Please follow this guide.
There are some key mappings defined in ~/.vim/vimrc
For the complete list of defined key mappings, you should read that file.
Following is a cheat sheet for programmers who uses this vimrc file. It doesn't mean that the key mappings listed here are all defined in my vimrc. (Some of them are defined by corresponding plugins while some of them are builtins.)
The leader key is , by default.
# Completion and Symbol Navigation
<leader>gy generate for YouCompleteMe completion
<leader>gt generate ctags file for Vim builtin completion and symbol navigation
<leader>gc generate cscope.out file for cscope symbol navigation
<leader>jd jump to defination (YouCompleteMe)
C+] jump to defination (ctags)
<leader>ji jump to include (YouCompleteMe)
<leader>jr jump to references (YouCompleteMe)
C+\c jump to references (cscope)
C+o jump back
C+i jump forward
<leader>tt show type of the symbol (YouCompleteMe)
C+<Space> (INSERT mode) force YouCompleteMe completion (even symbols from other projects)
C+p force Vim builtin completion
# NERDTree and ctrlp
C+n toggle NERDTree.
C+p start ctrlp fuzzy file finder.
# Tabs
<leader>tn open a new tab
<leader>te open a file in a new tab
<leader>tc close current tab
<leader>t<leader> switch to the next tab
# Misc
:W save your file using `sudo`
:cd change to the directory of current file
<leader>pp toggle PASTE mode
<leader>ss toggle spell checker (use 'z=' to correct your word)
<leader><cr> disable highlight
<leader>sv reload (source) your vimrc