A solution blueprint (or) reference model to implement a fictitious Food Delivery App using VMware’s hybrid & multi-cloud technologies such as Tanzu(Kubernetes) & Cloud SaaS services.
This sample application demonstrates how to build, run & manage a cloud-native modern application using VMware technology stack which is hosted on Priviate Cloud (Datacenter) and Public Clouds.
Note: This is a prototype, in particular demonstrates building real-world modern applications end-to-end using VMware technology stack. Kindly treat it as a reference model to build real-world applications.
🚀 You can standup working application within ⏰ 30 minutes!
This sample application includes following functional modules/components which are implemented as Microservices (or) Serverless functions. All these microservices are independently deployable & scalable services and are organized around business capabilities.
This sample application adhers to API-driven & Event-Driven architecture principles, wherein each fuctional module realized into a Cloud-Native application either as a Serverless Functions (or) Microservices. Each module/service is independently scalable and can be deployed as Containers anywhere (private & public clouds) using VMware Tanzu (Kubernetes).
- Tanzu Serverless functions - https://tanzu.vmware.com/serverless
- Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) - https://tanzu.vmware.com/kubernetes-grid
- VMware Hybrid Cloud Foundation - https://www.vmware.com/products/cloud-foundation.html
- Tanzu SQL for Postgress - https://tanzu.vmware.com/content/blog/vmware-tanzu-sql-now-ga-kubernetes-postgres
- MinIO Open Source Object Storage - https://min.io/
- Tanzu RabbitMQ - https://tanzu.vmware.com/rabbitmq
- Kafka - https://tanzu.vmware.com/developer/guides/messaging-and-integration/kafka-gs/
- Tanzu Observability Cloud (Wavefront) - https://tanzu.vmware.com/observability
- VMware vRealize Log Insight Cloud - https://cloud.vmware.com/log-insight-cloud
- Tanzu Application Catalog - https://tanzu.vmware.com/application-catalog
- Tanzu Build Service - https://tanzu.vmware.com/build-service
- Tanzu Mission Control - https://tanzu.vmware.com/mission-control
To standup this sample application in your environment (private cloud or public cloud), as a pre-requisite you must have following up & ready,
Clone respository source code by issuing below instruction from any folder on your machine,
git clone https://github.com/venkataravuri/e-commerce-microservices-sample.git
cd e-commerce-microservices-sample
Maven/Gradle has been used as a build tool to build applications. Issue following command on your terminal/console window,
gradlew build
Modify below configuration settings to match your environment,
Execute below Terraform instruction in sequence to provision infrastructur and ,
For further information on this sample application, reach us on Slack #TODO