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Hello there!

Not sure how you ended up here!? Maybe you are like me and currently surfing on a not-so-new-but-still-expensive-iPhone for cool new repositories on GitHub and the algorithm thought you might like this. However, I am happy you found it. Feel free to take a look at this sh*t and maybe you have something to add. Just let me know via a pull request or DM.

What is this?

Tis is - first of all - a personal project. I wanted an app to track my expeneses and so on. Over the last years I tried a lot, I mean A LOT, of software and services to track it. Neither of them completly fulfilled my requirements, so I finally started to program one by myself. This is the current status quo. I do not gurantee any functionality etc. You can copy the code and do whatever you want with it. Maybe, in 10 years from now, I can monetizte it and become the next Bezos. I don't know - or care really.

Why "CASH"?

I just wanted to give it a cool name. CASH was the first that came into my mind. According to ChatGPT it could stand for "Cost Analysis and Spending Hub". So feel free to call it like that if your (imaginary) girlfriend asks you what it means.

Technologies I use for this project

  • Svelte
  • SvelteKit
  • Firebase
  • Vercel
  • TailwindCSS
  • ESLint
  • Prettier

How to use

This section will follow once I figured that out myself.

Planned next steps

  • Integrate Firestore
  • Add basic income / outcome logic
  • Add graph to show income vs outcome over time
  • Make things fancier
  • Host project on Vercel
  • Plan further todos