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Releases: venantius/pyro

[release] v0.1.2

08 Mar 11:12
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  • Add better support for Clojure 1.8.0+ by fixing initialization to hook into clojure.test properly instead of being reset by the clojure.stacktrace import.
  • Added support for custom whitelists.

[release] v0.1.1

17 Feb 12:25
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  • Exclude hiccup and garden as transitive dependencies for Glow since they're large dependencies and Pyro doesn't rely on any of Glow's HTML/CSS features.

[release] v0.1.0

16 Feb 21:32
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  • Initial release
  • Source code reader that prints the syntax-highlighted source code around relevant stack trace elements.
  • Ability to drop all stacktrace frames once we hit clojure.main/repl/read-eval-print.
  • Ability to filter clojure.core, clojure.lang, clojure.test stacktrace frames. After all, your bug probably isn't in the language or the compiler.
  • Ability to filter leiningen.core.* and leiningen.test stacktrace frames. Again, your bug probably isn't in the build system.