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v2.5.0 - Prototype
v2.0.0 - Angular 6 (update)
v1.0.0 - Angular 2


Interactive exploration environment for comparing multiple CVs. Analytics soon tm.

Database Setup

This project uses MongoDB as a database implementation. Go to MongoDB download and setup MongoDB.

Import Database

With administrator open a command line interface navigate to where MongoDB is installed and execute the following command: mongorestore --db cvthree db_dump/cvthree

This should create and import all records from the database dump.

Installing dependencies

run npm install to install all of the applications dependencies.

Setting up API keys

This application requires a Mapbox API key. You can set up your API key by following the guide here: Mapbox API Key Guide You should add the API key to the environment{.prod}.ts file in the source directory.

Running the application

The application is available live as a demo

run npm run dev the application should be available at http://localhost:8000


Fixing the page to add/edit CV's (buggy).

Automatic geocoding preSave hook.

Update homepage.